So, playing around in the editor with a simple transport mission seems to work with every helicopter except the British Wildcat. I order the helicopter to fly from the airfield in the south of the Takistan map to the northern military base. Literally every helicopter I've tried it with makes it, from the Hind-D to the Huey, but the Wildcat has a tendency to "flip the heck out" on the way: the AI pilot seems to just completely lose control of the helicopter and it starts rolling and spinning right into the dirt. It's almost a crap shoot with the Wildcat because sometimes the pilot can complete the mission with no trouble, but if I add two Wildcats then one is guaranteed to go down. I take it's an issue with the AI's piloting skills, because if I set it to increase altitude at the midway point then it usually has enough room to right itself and carry out the mission.
Is there a fix? Or a workaround that makes it look good, at least?