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Everything posted by Conti027

  1. I have an i7 920 @4.0ghz with a 5870. I'm planning to upgrade to a GTX 670. Anyone with spec close that (i7-920 4ghz w/ gtx670) tell me their frames? Thank you
  2. So I was wondering if there is a way to bind a mouse button and keyboard key control together. i.e. Shift+Mouse.5 or Space+ Mouse wheel up I know you can do keyboard keys together like CTRL+G and so on but can't seem to do it with a keyboard key and mouse button. Is there a way to change it in a file or a 3rd party program?
  3. That might be true and all but thats the balancing point in it. You risk that.
  4. Conti027

    Stance Adjust with wheel mouse?

    Yeah I'm wanting the same thing just for more then changing stance.
  5. They took the whole looking/act like an enemy out? :( I thought it was just bugged. I thought it was awesome idea when I saw it in one of there older videos.
  6. Conti027

    Can play MP with Alpha Lite?

    This isn't Arma 2... It's an Arma 3 Alpha. Not a demo. The Lite keys are perfectly fine and serve their purpose. They could do it your way and it would be nice of them but they don't need to. You make it seem like they are screwing people over when they aren't. Its an extra.
  7. Conti027

    Can play MP with Alpha Lite?

    I think they are going at it the right away. You don't need MP to know if you will enjoy the game. If they enjoy Arma 3 lite it will leave them with wanting more and can easily end up in a purchase. I think the way BI is doing it is better then what you explained. Don't get me wrong I do like your idea. I have a friend that I want to play with but he wont buy Arma 3 until it is released. So my lite key I give him wont let us play but at least he can still check it out. Its better then no Lite keys at all.
  8. Conti027

    Will You Use the Cross-hairs?

    Went with the "Depends on how I feel (Hardcore vs. Casual)" I like having them and I like not having them at times. Its always good to have options :) I really liked the style of the crosshairs in Arma 2