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About FedEXguy

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  1. I'm completely new to these games, but I got the combined operations version downloaded from steam last night. I have been trying to get it to work ever since. I run steam as administrator. I started armaII and let it load and run once then exited. I tried to launch operation arrowhead and it almost worked. I got a "table shadow" missing error, then a "psspecular alpha" error. So I verified my files on both and tried again. same thing. then i tried launching as combined operations. Still errors, but it's a dos prompt error that i can't read but I've seen other people mention it up thread. I uninstalled everything and redownloaded and went through the whole process again. Same issue. I contacted Steam support and they asked me to essentially start over, run as admin, run the specific setup files in the armaII directory, and restart. I did and it still doesn't work. So they linked me to here (even though I've already been reading this thread trying to solve my problem.) So, can anyone help me? Windows 7 64bit, i5 750, ati radeon 5770 Thanks in advance