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Everything posted by JunkyardDog

  1. After playing for several days I've found an annoyance that severely bugs me. It seems that only the original player character can search houses, no one else seems to have that ability. It doesn't matter if I make another bot a squad leader, or High Commander, or any other option, team switching and playing as someone else doesn't allow me to search houses. Which means if I'm coordinating a two pronged attack, I can't switch back and forth and search houses in two different locations. Which means if my original starting character dies for any reason, I can no longer search houses at all. Am I missing something crucial, or is this working at intended?
  2. So many new features in such a short amount of time, amazing job markb50k. Going to give this new version a try today.
  3. I've been playing the 4.96 version for two solid days. I love it. I love being forced into guerrilla warfare, being outnumbered, having to plan hard and fast strikes against targets of opportunity, sometimes even stalking the forests for enemy squads and an opportune time to take them down. I also very much enjoy the concept of no respawning or 'building' as in Warfare, but to be completely honest, AI is not always reliable, and tends to get itself killed easily. I seem to run out of troops very quickly, even when I manage to save the friendly forces. Recruiting partisans, again very unreliable, and when you do recruit one, he might spawn at the most inopportune time and get himself shot as he tries to assume formation. Or maybe I'm just a terrible commander. But like most said, the low visibility due to fog, and insanely good AI shooting skill, means that when my AI squad goes toe to toe with the enemy AI squad, it's all over within minutes, and most of the time I myself am nothing more than a bullet pincushion. Unless I hold back with a sniper rifle, and even then the enemy riflemen score headshots on my prone self in mere seconds as I open fire. @markb50k I'm glad that the AI is getting a slight decrease in skill, but as for fog, would it be possible to implement dynamic weather into the mod? You have the ability to more time forward by an hour, why not let the player skip days, if needed, for the right weather conditions, before making a move? Last but not least, how much effort would it take to implement the ability to play as OPFOR Russians/Takis as the ones who lost the war?
  4. Hello guys. I've recently purchased Arma2 CO, and have been playing the campaign's Badlands/Dogs of War missions and I fell in love with the RTS aspect of it. However I noticed several things that were bothering me. They were too easy; the enemy AI never put up much of a fight due to being clunky, with average aim, slow reaction times, and numbers. The enemy never had significant amount of troops, and never used tanks or helicopters against me. And it was always the same scenario over and over again. So I was told, well, the game's been out for several years now, the community has built upon it massively. Go search for user made missions. Here's the crux of my problem. I have been completely overwhelmed by the massive amount of user made missions and modifications available for this game, that I simply do not even know where to start. Would someone be so kind as to point me in the right direction where I could find some kind of dynamic user made mission that's like Badlands or Dogs of War, but significantly harder in terms of enemy resistance?
  5. Hi again. Thanks for the tip, I've downloaded Benny's Warfare, since Goss' didn't seem to have functional AI. I don't want to create a separate thread for my new issue, so I'll just leave it here. After several days of on and off tinkering ( my god, it's difficult to set up a dedicated server ) I got everything working just fine, with a server.cfg, both ARMA2 and ARMA2OA content enabled, but I ran into a problem. Every time I try to run Warfare on a dedicated server, or -any- user name mission I've put into the MPmissions folder, it simply refuses to load. 1. If I enter my server as a user and vote on a user made map, the voting countdown goes from sixty to zero, then hangs indefinitely, not loading the map. 2. If I force the server to load the map as an admin in the voting screen, it forcefully puts me back into the voting screen. 3. If I force the server to load the map through the "class missions" parameter, when I join I'm stuck on 'Waiting for host' with a black screen, and my server's message log is spammed with 'Benny's Warfare read from databank' over, and over, and over again every second. I can load user made missions okay if I just host it through the game's client, not a dedicated server. In other words, my dedicated server doesn't want to load user made missions, and I do not know what's wrong. What should I do at this point?