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Everything posted by Malligant

  1. How about getting a 30 second warning before the missile reaches its target area, then you guide it in manually? dodging AA and other delights as you do?.. its what i used th Comms pod manta for in the original game, and was highly enjoyable.
  2. I remember playing this back in the day, (still do occasionally!) never having my carrier meet the enemy carrier was one of my favourite tactics. I used to use a manta with a comms pod as a cruise missile to start with, you could usually determine what island the enemy carrier was basing its current operations from, and by cutting it off from its main base island, stop production of fuel and really slow it down. I found at first that four assassin missiles, closely followed by a manta crashing into it destroyed the island command centres. However later in the game they seemed to get tougher :( So I staged air raids.. with one manta armed with a comms pod, and another fully kitted out with assassins, that usually did the trick! was fun island hopping with them, refuelling then going on to strike the enemy base while my carrier was safely behind a string of friendly islands. Once I do remember being stranded in my island claiming run by having one of my connecting islands taken out, however with a comms manta set to auto pilot slowly, and a couple of walruses armed with virus bombs, harbingers and ACCBs, both auto piloting fast, is was possible, with occasional interference from myself to send the walrus out long range too (the mantas on slowest were a smidgen faster than walrus at their fastest in the water.)