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Everything posted by Daikyoka

  1. Hello everybody, Is it possible to change some value of a Cfg class without redeclare the whole class in addon ? For example : change one element in a CfgWeapon class without redeclare all the class or duplicate a weapon.
  2. Daikyoka

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Thanks to you for making and sharing this script. Thanks a lot. :)
  3. Hello, I am making a very simple repeatdly trigger that should deact when no one is in the ellipse. It works when I just hint on act/deact , but not when I spawn/call a function on. My RPT is absolutly clean and my function works and ends perfectly. class Item228 { position[]={12793.05,5.9533463,10126.67}; a=25; b=25; activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="townTrigger"; expCond="this && isServer"; expActiv="hint ""act"";null = [thisTrigger, 30] spawn ScanTown;"; expDesactiv="hint ""deact"";"; class Effects { }; }; }; Why is the trigger blocked ? :confused: Thanks for help.
  4. I finally found the solution. I use "player setCaptive true" that set the side of a unit to civilian. When you create weapons and ammo on the ground, they get civilian side. Like my players because of setCaptive. So there were forever civilian to activate the trigger. :-) Thanks for your message, you put me on the good road (investigate the add weapon/ammo feature). PS : I double post to clearly separate the solution from the problem.
  5. ScanTown is compiled with preProcessFileLineNumbers that indicates errors like execVM "script.sqf". I got errors and corrected them (before trying to repeat the trigger) and I put a diag_log at the end of the function, it writes. ScanTown scan buildings in a radius and add some weapons and ammo in the building's positions. EDIT 1 : Out of curiosity I replaced all call statements by execVM, the trigger is repeating. Strange, so I decided to replace one by one. The script that scan a building for positions, returning an array of positions blocks the trigger using call but not using execVM because of an error with its returned value (script, need array). But I need to use its returned value. :-/ Interesting, if I put the hint after the function (or the execVM) the hint is displayed but the trigger is blocked, so the trigger isn't blocked by the function I suppose ? No error with execVM with the scanbuilding code pasted in the scantown script. I continue to investigate. Have you an idea ? EDIT 2 : I have found the problem. My function put weapons and ammo in the trigger area. And so there are "people" (objects) in its area when I leave if there are ammo ad weapons. How can I setting it to do not react to that ?
  6. Daikyoka

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Hello, I use ArmA 2 standalone and the link of the script v0.5 is dead, would you uplaod it again please ? Thanks a lot.