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About heavenlyepitome

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  1. Sry if my question has already been answered.. Haven't found anything yet. Whats meant with future DLCs? In most games DLCs contains skins, new Weapons, additional Maps, Missions etc. With the exception of ADDONS like BAF, PMC etc. ARMA maps, weapons and missions are usually made by the community. So does ARMA 3 DLC mean Addons like BAF and PMC? ARMA X and Cold War Crisis as a Steam gift or directly into the steam userlibary? If as a gift. Do we receive each of them after registrering with the alpha key? And last but not least, does it also mean we get ARMA cold war crisis twice (one seperate and one in the ARMA X-Edition)? THX for help and sry for my bad translation.
  2. I tried it with @gmx.de and @arcor.de no verification mail so far.. PW reset doesn't work, also Update: Verification E-mail received on the arcor.de mailadress in the evening. It really seems to be a problem regarding to GMX or the mail routing. Could anyone who got the same problem confirm if he also used GMX to register?
  3. heavenlyepitome


    Same for me
  4. heavenlyepitome

    German language files?

    Ich kann dir auch wohl helfen, wenn du fragen hast.. Habe damals bereits das alte Carrier Command gespielt und die neue Beta nun auch schon mehrmals completed. Schicke mir einfach eine PM PS: Und vermeide es am besten umgangssprachliche, deutsche Sätze mit einem Englischübersetzter (z.b. googleübersetzer etc) übersetzen zu lassen. Diese verstehen nur wirklich ganz simples reines Hochdeutsch, also kurze Sätze mit wenig Adjektiven oder Adverben. Dein letzter Beitrag, hätte z.b. so Aussehen sollen, damit ein Übersetzungstool annähernd einen richtigen Satz daraus im englischen bildet "Dann muss ich wohl noch bis zum Erscheinen des Produkt warten." = Then I'll have to wait until the release of the product. Deine jetzige Übersetzung würde nämlich folgendes Bedeuten: "Dann werde ich wohl die Vollversion auf den Markt bringen müssen um mit meinem Englisch auszukommen." Was ja nun wirklich nicht viel Sinn macht, geschweige denn Kern deiner Aussage war. @all: Seems there will be more languages on release. There's already the "choose language" option in the menu of the game.
  5. Does anyone else got same Problem? Haven't found any Threads to this. I tried 2 times to register to the official feedback site (http://www.carriercommand.com/feedback), yesterday. But I still haven't received any verification email. I tried it again with another mailadress, today.. but still no verification mail. Is there maybe any supporter in this forum who can check this problems? PS: Spamfolders were checked and also empty!!
  6. heavenlyepitome

    Island Attack False Alarm?

    I noticed the same... often the enemy carrier isn't there when the alert starts.. It seems that the warning will start when the enemy carrier reaches the boarder of your island zone and this one is far away from the real island.. Just have a look if you click on the open see - So it might be usual that the alert starts but you arent able to see him if you are next to your isle. Sometimes the enemy carrier just starts an attack on my island while I'm attacking one of hims. If i continue my attack the enemy carrier also reaches his island to defent but my island is still on alert.