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Posts posted by Warsaw

  1. Yeah, like I said CCRP works fine in Takistan etc. But on the Sangin map it only showed the broken line, and the aiming circle would only show up randomly, when you held down the mouse button. And you also had to be on an angle and about 100 feet from the ground. Just a bug on Sangin I guess.

    And thanks I'll check out some mortar videos on youtube.

  2. How do I use the CCRP Consent Release system? Do I have to be at a certain height and angle? Usually by the time I see the target circle I'm very close to the ground and not on target.

    Edit: That's weird. It seems my problem only happens on the Sangin map I downloaded. In Takistan I see the broken line and circle at the bottom. In Sangin I only see the broken line. I don't see the circle, it seems, until I get at a certain angle and height, and sometimes it still doesn't happen.

    Edit 2: How do I use the Mortar? Can you use the scope to aim into the area where you want it drop? I was on the airfield, I aimed to one side of the runway with the scope and it keeps dropping on the opposite side, same exact place everytime. I Could probably record it to show you what I mean, if needed.
