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About calverp

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  1. calverp

    Fallujah 1.2

    The Ambient Civilians problem seems to be caused by conflicts with other maps. I had Isla Duala in my mod list and was getting the same problem on fallujah as others, removed Isla Duala and restarted and it fallujah civvies loaded perfectly.
  2. Hey, I'm wanting to use the zombie scripts in a normal mission that then becomes zombie madness. I've gotten them working and think I understand most of the variables and such, but I am wanting to have the script on hold until the players reach a specific location and then start the zombie spawning. Is this possible? If so I'd appreciate any help in getting this working. Have tried a few different ways but my limited scripting knowledge means that even if I'm getting the method right I'm likely screwing up syntax or such.
  3. calverp

    EOD Mod

    I started off using the Area IED and it seems to work, although there seems to be an issue with the trigger men. Every time I approach one they completely ignore me, sometimes they say good morning, but other than that it is practically impossible to confirm it's them other than the fact that they don't move. The modules I'm using are: Require ACE and Ambient Civilians (Expansion): with init: "this setvariable ["townlist",[sakhe, jilavur, mulladost, khushab, chakchak, huzrut, sultan]];" I placed an Area IED module pretty much on top of the main road running through each of those towns. Default IED spawn range seems to be about 50m so it's possible that placing the module on the road helps. Added the Area Suicide Bomber module but haven't seen any yet, haven't done a huge amount of testing for it either. After the issue with the trigger men not responding to me I decided to give the Ambient modules a try to see if they worked better, put them down, put in the default Ambient Civilian (Expansion) module with no init so all towns would populate. Synced the ambient mods to my unit and drove around a large chunk of takistan without seeing a single IED. Going to try messing with the settings to see if it was just bad luck. Anyone else getting the loudspeaker thing where the action "sticks" to whoever uses it first allowing them to use the action wherever they are?