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About Zervo

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. But I have CO! :confused: And I haven't poked around in any Arma 2 folders either. Edit: yes the USMC crew crashes the game, But riflemen seems fine :confused: Edit 2: sorry to bother everyone here but this addon was not causing the issue (on its own at least)
  2. Hi I have some problems with VTE infantry. They are stuck in the ground (only upper body are above ground) and the game crash instant. I've tried out vehicles with other (bis) infantry and they seem fine actually vehicles with original VTE pilots/crews seem to work however the crewman just stand in his seat and it looks weird. When and if I were to disembark the game crashes though. I have CBA installed. RTP: I'm unsure which parts are usefull (sorry) so I've copied all warnings :)
  3. Zervo

    Project CDF

    http://www5b.biglobe.ne.jp/~TANK-GUY/Gallery03/TK-t55mv/T55MV-18.jpg http://www.russianscalemodels.com/pictures/rsm/z-tanks/T-62MV_0.jpg Here's some more reference pictures :)
  4. Zervo

    Project CDF

    Since your getting on with a russian faction now could it be possible to have some "advanced" versions of T55:s and T62:s? (like T 55(A)MV-1 and T 62MV-1 which are mordernized and up armored versions with ERA and ATGM capability(not all have ATGM though)) :p those tanks were actually used by Russia during the (fairly) recent war against Georgia. And russia have for that matter a vast amount of those (both basic and mordernized version but here russia should use the best versions IMO) tanks in storage. Again up to you Gossamer BTW love that SKS-M, there I said it! :)
  5. Zervo

    Project CDF

    Well first off I cannot answer for Gossamer it's his mod and he does whatever he wants with it. But I belive the CV90 to be out scope for this mod. Sweden (most of the time) (and the CV90 customers) don't sell of the CV90:s to just anybody. And Chernarus wouldn't qualify seeing as it has been having trubbles with militia and also is Chernarus a democratic country with (somewhat) fair elections Gossamer? PRSZ is i belive, correct me if i'm wrong, not democratic (like one party system?) In such case CV90 would not be sold here either. (Again Gossamer do as he pleases). As for Leo 1A5 might fit in if some "doubius" country sells them off. Fuchs haven't been exported to many countries who would sell them off to CDF/PRSZ (maybe Saudi though) As for M113 variants if Gossamer gets MLOD:s they have reasonable explanations to be in. Disclaimer: This is my opnion (guess) based on earlier requests of the nature. Gossamer say is final. Btw your mod is great!
  6. kamikaze with an aircraft on some OPFORs :) There's no thing more satisfying than crashing a plane...
  7. Zervo

    Project CDF

    Yeah really neat looking bmps gossamer. The turret looks good, a question tough, is the turret fixed or can you turn it? imo the barrel looks a bit heavy to turn with that turret however its of course your choice to make :) About a recon version the soviets made the brm version as a recon vehicle (i don't know exactly what you had in mind when you said that, but im just saying that a recon version alredy exists though it might be a bit out of date) last note looking forward to such a concept for nogova :)
  8. Zervo

    Project CDF

    You mean like a turretless tank destroyer (kinda like german jagdpanzer?) if so it should be a low vehicle since the bmp chasis is also pretty low... would really make sense to ambush with these vehicles in forests and such...
  9. Zervo

    Project CDF

    Fun with new stuff and i defenatly don't care if its "real". You could make this unit in real life anyway :) I think it is creative to make this stuff and besides the D 30 is a capable anti tank gun anyway with the right munition... The egyptians converted T 34 with D 30s though i belive they were for artillery use... How about name it BMT 30? :)
  10. Zervo

    Project RACS

    Troll warning! Troll transmission incoming... Why would USA invade Takistan if they didn't have oil :) End of troll transmission... Serisously though, Takistan might be secretly funded by Nations and organsations who dislikes or hates USA like Iran, Al-qaeda or whatever. There by giving them funds to buy stuff like T80s etc...
  11. Zervo

    Project CDF

    Can't see the missiles either. Rack is empty. It could in my case be a conflict since i run a lot of stuff...
  12. Zervo

    Project CDF

    Good. Soon i can blast those mean MiG 21s from the sky... :) Yes had stuttering and lag aswell while doing the exact same thing but only in the MiG 29. And i didn't have to kill the process. I thought/Think its just my comp which is Useless. When the lag occured i was flying around alltitude 500 or so then it froze for like 4 secs and unfrozed everything was fine for 2 secs then it froze again for 4 secs and i found myself crashed on top of hill :)
  13. Zervo

    Project CDF

    Are you planing to add any SAMs like SA 6 / SA 11? I think the CDF and PRSZ is lacking a good SAM. The Shilka is not worth anything against fast fixedwings...
  14. Zervo

    Project CDF

    okej good explanasion really looking forward to a campaign if you make one :)
  15. Zervo

    Project CDF

    I love the update! thanks for the great mod. However i don't know if it has been discussed but the su 34 is quite a new aircraft serving in russian air force... Since the first prototype flight was 1990 and it has only been in production since 2007 i don't think Russia would sell them off to CDF after harvest red. However you could of course explain it away with the CDF while retaking chernarus found some abandoned aircraft which they repainted or reverse engineerd or whatever... (It's of course Gossamer's mod and he's defenetly free to do whatever he wants with it, just bringing my 2 cents to the table)