Arma 2 Soldier for Hire.
Who i am:
Recently began using the simulator, and i have decided to officially enlist into a squad.
I am searching for a large active team base devoted to mature and hardcore warfare.
I am 21 years of age, capable of learning fast, able to follow directions, and has access to Mic communication.
My Skills
after 2 days in learning the simulator, the following positions are most compatible to me:
-Recon/Short range marksmanship support.
Special Ops
-Secretive recon, Stealth Operations if provided with proper equipment, Para Drop.
Long Range Marksmanship (sniper support)
-Able to perform without spotter.(but highly recommended) can calculate bullet drop and "Distance From target to Cross point" ratio.
Heavy Machine gunner Support for QC Infantry operations and Assault.
My Experience
I cannot calculate a proper score because i have yet find a room with many players and large warfare.
Up until now i have made 3 confirmed online kills.
2 with Support machine gun, and one long distance sniper kill. (150ish meters)
I have immersed much play time via single player scenarios,
therefor i can calculate my play ability's according to how the simulator feels to me,
but i have no accurate description for live online play.
Game Control
I can perform basic mobile moves.
-Cycling through Text commands and vehicle options
-Switching weapons
any control's i have left out ido not know or have not comfortably mastered.
Last words
I am still green and am willing to do personal training.
I posted because i could not find a specific squad Suitable for me, so i am hoping this post will be allowed,
wile in the mean time I continue to search for a respective squad of my liking's.
I Only have Arma2 Free, I plan on purchasing AO and all installments asap.
I Currently Tour around the US and do not have official long term plans for when i will be able to play,
however i know i will be available the next two weeks from 10AM-10PM central.
Due to personal reasons i cannot provide monthly upkeep support.
(but perhaps a small One time payment)
For long term commitment squads:
By October, i will be permanently situated back in my home state,
and will have access to High speed internet, and gametime on a regular basis.
I am willing to work with a large team and community to create Digital graphics for websites, banners, ect.
I do not ask for donations, it is a personal hobby/favor of mine that is worth wile as long as i am involved in a large active community.
Computer Specs
Processor 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB
Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50b)
Boot Camp Windows 7 64bit