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Everything posted by FightingDeed

  1. FightingDeed

    [TvT/FFA/CO-40] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox

    Hey, I've been frequently hosting a v.95 server and getting a good 10-20 people on every time although it won't load any of the side missions although it does occasionally (Sidemissions are enabled on the parameters) normally it will just say a gear cache has been dropped and it has been marked on the map (which it doesn't get marked) any help would be appreciated. Also another problem, when I'm hosting the server off my computer it won't let me construct things like load things in cars, move objects where as other people can any advice is appreciated! I also agree with that, it'll make it'll give survival a better feel. Also to Tonic would it be possible for you to tell me what gun shop script you used at first when your server was actually just a zombie server on zargabad. Best regards, Connor