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Everything posted by Mokojiro

  1. I, personally, think that CQB is something that is missing and has been missing for too long. The way the AI deals with buildings and obstacles may be the biggest hurdle, though. Frankly if it is going to be a bigger cluster to deal with broken CQB and MOUT due to relatively dumb AI than it is to just suffer without it, I am all for them holding off on it
  2. New animations can only be a good thing. While the old animations have grown on me over the years, they are a lot like Bethesda Softwork's animations in Oblivion (stay with me here). The animations in Oblivion are somewhere between funny and sad at times, as well as ARMA. Some look great but at other times it looks as if your soldier has no sockets in his shoulders and his arms are attached by twine. While it will probably take a bit of getting used to, the new animations will only make ARMA a better game.