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Everything posted by TheOmegaX

  1. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

  2. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    Couldn't You Convert this Mod into ArmA II? MiG-21 Mod: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4553
  3. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    South Zagorian Vehicles: Armored: BRDM-1 139 in service BRDM-2 112 in service BRDM-2 (9P148) 60 in service 400 rockets BRDM-2 (HQ) 88 in service BTR-40 152 in service BTR-40 (DshKM) 110 in service BTR-60PB 262 in service 7 pending BMP-1 191 in service 21 pending BMP-1P 57 in service BMP-2 202 in service MT-LB 209 in service T-55A 312 in service T-62A 189 in service T-64A 200 in service 58 pending T-64BV 48 in service 32 pending T-72M 127 in service T-72M1 98 in service 14 pending ZSU-23-M1 Shalika 104 in service 50 pending 9K33 Osa 28 in service 140 missiles 20 pending 2K12E Kvadrat 0 in service 12 pending 30 missiles pending _________________________________________________________________________ Air: Mi-8MT Hip-T 123 in service 10 in civil use Mi-24D Hind-D 88 in service 30 pending Mi-24P Hind-F 34 in service MiG-15Bis 138 in service MiG-21MF 115 in service Su-25K Frogfoot 19 in service 35 pending An-2T Colt 189 in service 4 pending 29 in civil use
  4. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    Are you making reskins of the ChDKi Militiamen?
  5. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    Some good Cold war Era Weapons for the PRSZ: BRDM-1 MT-LB BMP-1 BMP-1P Vilas's P85 Mod
  6. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    whats does PRSZ mean again? Project Royal South Zagoria??
  7. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    ok cool you should add more vehicles to the NAPA reskined to the Soviet Green Color. ---------- Post added at 16:15 ---------- Previous post was at 16:06 ---------- Maybe In the Future add the MiG-15bis to the ChDKi Side reskined to your custom camo! http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12278
  8. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    Try To Remake this in Photoshop... This is the South Zagorian Military Logo i made in like 4 min. LOL
  9. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    Add These to PRSZ... Armored: BRDM-1 BMP-1 BMP-1P BTR-40 BTR-40 (DshKM) MT-LB 9K33 Osa Cars: UAZ-451/452 UAZ-469 UAZ (DshKM) UAZ (AGS-30) V3S Praga V3S Praga (Open) Military Offroad (M2) Military Offroad (SPG-9) Air: Mi-17 Hip-H Mi-24D Hind-D MiG-15Bis L-39ZA Albatros I also made a South Zagorian Military Logo Ill send you the link as soon as possible!
  10. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    Well, the more things you have the more powerful the nation or group is.
  11. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    You See That the S-70A or the Black Hawk with rockets has guided missles while the Mi-8MTV-3 has non-guided missles
  12. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    Here Are the Armor & Air I think should be added (Some have already been added) I just made up how many they have in service lol Armored: BTR-60PB (Already Added) 89 in service BMP-1 (WIP?) 48 in service 3 M113A3 (Already Added) 115 in service M113A3 SLAT 45 in service M48A4 Patton 50 in service 19 pending T-34/85 (Already Added) 18 in service T-55A (Already Added) 49 in service 11 pending T-55AM Merida 13 in service T-62A (WIP?) 41 in service T-64A (WIP?) 34 in service T-64BV 7 in service 3 stolen T-72M1 21 in service T-80B 13 in service 2 pending 2S1 (WIP?) 11 in service 2 pending 2S3 4 in service 2K12E Kvadrat 7 in service 6 pending 250 rockets 80 rockets pending Air: UH-1Y Huey 50 in service S-70A <----- Black Hawk with Maverick Rockets 24 in service AH-1S Cobra 12 in service Mi-8MTV-3 <--- This Variant has Rockets) 64 in service F-4A Phantom F-14D Tomcat 101 in service Su-24MK Fencer 71 in service 20 pending Su-34 Fullback (Already Added) 3 in service 2 stolen MiG-21MF 41 in service MiG-27D 24 in service MiG-29B-12 (WIP?) 18 in service 8 pending An-2T Colt 89 in service 49 in civil use An-12B Cub 32 in service 12 in civil use 2K12: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3245/2895766184_2601160b4e.jpg ______________________________________________________________________ This is all the stuff you should add. I will give you South Zagorian Armored and Aircraft Pretty soon ---------- Post added at 20:59 ---------- Previous post was at 20:55 ---------- Heres my role play After NATO Pulls out the give Chenarus biliions of dollars to buy or upgrade there army...
  13. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    Cause Chenarus is a extemely poor country. And The Russians Hate Chenarus and the wont sell top of the line weapons thats like russia selling america weapons while at war...
  14. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    I dont think the T-80BV or T-64BV. Just T-64A cause in real life the T-64BV is only used by Russia plus Chenarus is supposedly a extremely poor country. I would say maybe the T-80B and T-64A. To be realistic about the T-80B Remove The ATGM Rockets. maybe the M48A4 Patton can be added in future updates as well as the M113A3 SLAT? M48A4 Patton Picture: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRvAiGxzFR68J8c8shyEsttwGPvWVlD9ckwp3zE7_WbP7wm6Vcqew4N5E5lqw M113A3 SLAT Armor: http://media.defenseindustrydaily.com/images/LAND_M113A3_Modified_in_Iraq_lg.jpg
  15. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    im kind of a tank expert LOL
  16. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    T-55 w/ ERA = T-55AM Merida?
  17. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    If you want I can give you the sound of the autoloader ill private message you the media fire link for it in a while
  18. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    Just The reload noise Lol ---------- Post added at 16:06 ---------- Previous post was at 15:59 ---------- The reload is the same speed its not quicker or any thing BTW
  19. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    Thanks! Your The man! Will the T-64A inherit sounds from the T-72? Wait, Doesent the T-64A Have an autoloader? If it does, you should add a custom autoloader sound.
  20. TheOmegaX

    Project CDF

    For the T-62 when you add it to the CDF's Armor can you rename it to the T-62A Also make the sounds compatible to the ACE Sound Mod cause I Love ACE ALOT! Add: Try Working on the T-64A :bounce3: Try Woking on the re-skin of the BMP-1 Also Vilas's 2S3 Self-Propelled Artillery