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Everything posted by iOGC_Aenigma

  1. iOGC_Aenigma


    The Basics: iOGC is a UK based Arma community built around the ethos of being a community not a clan. We have relaxed attitudes to gaming within Arma but we do like to turn up the realism for organised mission nights from time to time. At the minute we are only looking for members over 18. We do ask our members to be active on both our Teamspeak and Forums but that is it. No compulsory training, no compulsory mission nights just to be active in the community. We will be expanding into Arma3 on release but will be continuing to support Arma2 also. Our Servers: We currently run 1 vanilla Arma server and 1 DayZ server (our DayZ server is UK26). We have the capacity to host a 2nd modded Arma server for some of our mission nights if it is required. Contact: Our website is located at www.iogc.co.uk and I can be contacted personally on steam @ iOGC_Ænigma|UK|
  2. There is an application available on armaholic.com that will swap out the old class names in your mission.sqm and replace them with the new beta class names. I have seen other posts up too covering this problem. Hope you can sort your Misson out. Sent from my HTC Desire C using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  3. The Basics: iOGC is a UK based, international, Arma community built around the ethos of being a community not a clan. We have relaxed attitudes to gaming within Arma but we do insist on organised teamwork. We are now happy to receive applications from gamers under the age of 18 but do ask that younger gamers join our server and play with us for a while before application. We do ask our members to be active on both our Teamspeak and Forums but that is it; No compulsory training, no compulsory mission nights just to be active in the community. Contact:Our website is located at www.iogc.co.uk and I can be contacted personally on steam @ iOGC_Aenigma|UK|
  4. iOGC_Aenigma

    TA2DST - ArmA 3

    The gamespy reporting IP doesnt matter. The server will still show up in game.
  5. Im looking forward to getting my hands on this mod. I know you guys have a good group of players behind you but if you need any more testers iOGC will always be glad to help.
  6. iOGC_Aenigma

    Searching for players

    You could join a lot of servers and become a regular player without joining their communities. Most are welcoming to public players and will let them join in on outside coms like TS etc. www.arma3gamers.com is a new community hoping to cater what you ask for though from players just looking for a get together on one server to communities looking for new members. I would always advise joining a community but it is hard to find the right one some times. You could always post in the Players looking for groups topic and list all the rules that you think are silly. Tell people what it is you would want from a group of players to play with and if any communities think they are what you are looking for they will contact you and let you know how to check them out. Hope you find some guys to game with soon because Arma is a whole different experience on your own.
  7. iOGC_Aenigma

    Where can i go to rent a Dedicated server

    If you are wanting an Eu based dedicated server check this thread out. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=152232 EU based server hosting Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  8. I fully understand your reasons about holding off development for A3 at this time. I had never considered how much extra work there would be at this stage. WiT is still plenty fun in A2 anyway. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  9. iOGC_Aenigma

    EU based server hosting

    I have been comparing prices, including Windows Server 2008 edition, hardware and peoples reviews and must again recommend Server4you.net The hardware may not be as cutting edge as Hetzner and the rest but we have found so far that the Opteron 3280 has managed to handle multiple Arma 2 servers....and multiple DayZ servers quite well. We have had a few hardware troubles but seem to have got them ironed out now and customer support is some of the best I have encountered. I must admit I would like to see how our dedi server would perform with a newer Intel CPU though.
  10. Brilliant work. I think that rifle looks great. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  11. iOGC_Aenigma


    This is brilliant news. Thanks Fireball / Kol9yn. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  12. iOGC_Aenigma

    A3 -profile config

    I've noticed with hud perm 0 the hud does fade away. I can't get rid of it completely though. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  13. iOGC_Aenigma

    Arma 3 Restarter.exe server monitor

    In the ini file add mod= and then your mods. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  14. iOGC_Aenigma

    EU based server hosting

    I suggest looking at getting a box rather than just a game server if your community can afford it. We use server4u.net and have had very little problems with them they are based in Germany. I have heard good things about Hetzner though and the hardware looks top quality. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  15. Good work mate. This is a really good mission that I have had some good play sessions on. The golden question now this is final will there be War on Stratis? :) Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  16. What you have to remember is that server admins don't want dozens of clients downloading masses of data from their servers. I agree if SU was somehow integrated it would be handy some times but I have no problem with using a separate tool. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  17. iOGC_Aenigma

    Heavy disk usage (could lower my SSD life?)

    Edcase is right in how arma utilises hdds and ram. If you are that worried about your ssd I suggest loading arma 3 from a ram disk. The fact is that arma works this way and that's it. It streams from hdd to ram. If it's the most efficient way to do things or not it's how it is. If you have 18 gig of free ram I can only suggest using a ram disk. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  18. iOGC_Aenigma

    squad.xml only working on some servers

    I know that the Player ID changed in the DEV build. The Player ID is now a longer number than before have you updated all your player ID's?
  19. iOGC_Aenigma

    Server without CH and Third Person

    There is already a topic somewhere with a few servers listed. I'm sure if you do a search for First Person Only servers it will show up. We run a server with no 3rd person, no ch and no player icons. You can find it by searching iogc.co.uk in the server browser. Edit: link here.... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=150411 First person only servers Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  20. iOGC_Aenigma

    Suggested ARMA 2/3 groups?

    We can all suggest our own community to you but my advice would be to either look through all the squad advertisements and maybe make a post in the player Looking for squad topic. List what you want from a community, your location, your play style and I'm sure plenty of squads will get in touch with you. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  21. iOGC_Aenigma

    New to Arma, should I get this or the Arma 2 bundle?

    You could always look for a group that wouldn't mind showing you the ropes. There are many friendly communities in arma that welcome new players. I think the only way to really learn the game is in organised multiplayer. You can find a list of squads, and make a post looking for a squad in the Squads and Fan Pages section of the forum. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  22. iOGC_Aenigma

    A3 -profile config

    It is a good possibility there are things in that file do not work in arma 3 but the changes I have wanted to make have been successful. I have not identified any problems with the server so far. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  23. iOGC_Aenigma

    A3 -profile config

    I copied the profile straight out of arma 2 and have always used regular as by basis for difficulty changes. I have not yet tested elite/mercenary but if i remember correctly Elite was the difficulty in the server settings in A2 but its named mercenary in the text file. If it doesnt work then it may just need the name changing in the profiles file.
  24. iOGC_Aenigma

    A3 -profile config

    Here is my config file with Regular set up as I want. No crosshair, no 3rd person and I have got rid of the player icons now. Hope this helps: class Difficulties { class Recruit { class Flags { 3rdPersonView=1; armor=1; autoAim=0; autoGuideAT=1; autoSpot=1; cameraShake=0; clockIndicator=1; deathMessages=1; enemyTag=0; friendlyTag=1; hud=1; hudGroupInfo=1; hudPerm=1; hudWp=1; hudWpPerm=1; map=1; netStats=1; tracers=1; ultraAI=0; unlimitedSaves=1; vonID=1; weaponCursor=1; }; skillFriendly=1; precisionFriendly=1; skillEnemy=0; precisionEnemy=0; }; class Regular { class Flags { 3rdPersonView=0; armor=1; autoAim=0; autoGuideAT=0; autoSpot=0; cameraShake=1; clockIndicator=0; deathMessages=1; enemyTag=0; friendlyTag=0; hud=0; hudGroupInfo=0; hudPerm=0; hudWp=1; hudWpPerm=1; map=1; netStats=1; tracers=0; ultraAI=0; unlimitedSaves=1; vonID=1; weaponCursor=0; }; skillFriendly=0; precisionFriendly=0; skillEnemy=0.222; precisionEnemy=0.222; }; class Veteran { class Flags { 3rdPersonView=1; armor=0; autoAim=0; autoGuideAT=0; autoSpot=0; cameraShake=1; clockIndicator=0; deathMessages=1; enemyTag=0; friendlyTag=0; hud=1; hudGroupInfo=0; hudPerm=0; hudWp=1; hudWpPerm=0; map=0; netStats=1; tracers=0; ultraAI=0; unlimitedSaves=0; vonID=1; weaponCursor=1; }; skillFriendly=0; precisionFriendly=0; skillEnemy=0; precisionEnemy=0; }; class Mercenary { class Flags { 3rdPersonView=0; armor=0; autoAim=0; autoGuideAT=0; autoSpot=0; cameraShake=1; clockIndicator=0; deathMessages=0; enemyTag=0; friendlyTag=0; hud=0; hudGroupInfo=0; hudPerm=0; hudWp=0; hudWpPerm=0; map=0; netStats=0; tracers=0; ultraAI=0; unlimitedSaves=0; vonID=0; weaponCursor=0; }; skillFriendly=0; precisionFriendly=0; skillEnemy=0; precisionEnemy=0; }; }; version=1; blood=1; singleVoice=0; gamma=1; brightness=1; maxSamplesPlayed=32; activeKeys[]=
  25. Although I am sick of the tks and general idiots in arma 3 the script based anti tk is fine for me. I don't agree with it been BI's problem. If they were to implement something there would just be arguments on how people think it should be done. Mirrored damage, a prison cell with some horrific music for company and all the other possibilities. With the current script versions at least the mission maker has a way of selecting the best protection scripts that fit their mission style. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2