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About rafikrafik007

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    video games, military
  1. I'm getting 35 fps(lowest details, resolution 1024x768) in the benchmark, but in multiplayer often is 15 fps. I guess the graphic card is not bottleneck, because MSI Afterburner shows low usage of it. I think if the game used more resources(processor), the fps would be higher. I don't know why ARMA 2 don't want use all available resources. edit. I checked another DDR2 ram memory, upgrading from 533 MHz to 800 MHz, then fps in the benchmark is 37, so that confirms the graphic card is not bottleneck.
  2. I have low fps(especially in multiplayer), but graphic card usage is about 30%. Windows' Resource Monitor shows usage of processor and it's about 70%. Only 1,5GB of 3GB ram memory is used. http://s1.directupload.net/images/130303/geg6ma9o.jpg (274 kB) I even tried using lowest settings and resolution, but then only usage of graphic card is less. I didn't overlooked anything. My specification: CPU: CPU Type QuadCore AMD Athlon II X4 640, 3000 MHz (15 x 200) Graphic Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 240 (512 MB) Motherboard: MSI 770T-C45 (MS-7388) (3 PCI, 2 PCI-E x1, 1 PCI-E x16, 4 DDR2 DIMM, Audio, Gigabit LAN) RAM memory: 3GB More informations: What should I do if I want to the game uses more resources and then more fps?
  3. It's not true. Benchmark 1 Chernarus Settings: Resolution - 1680*1050 Viewdistance - 700M Textures detail - Max Terrain detail - Max Object detail - Max Anisotropic filtering - Max Anti-aliasing - Off Atoc - Off Terrain detail - Max Object detail - Max Shadows detail - Max HDR- normal PPAA = FXAA High Posteffects - Off Vsync - On Average FPS:41 You're right, now I know that. Thanks everybody for replies and help.
  4. I don't think so. While playing ArmA 2 GPU usage is about 15% up to 30% and GPU memory usage is about 250MB. Look the upper left corner http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/6415/arma2oa2012082115131526.jpg ---------- Post added at 16:18 ---------- Previous post was at 15:29 ----------
  5. I know what you asked' date=' but I have Polish version game so probably this will be incomprehensible for you. It is impossible to change language of the game(Regional restrict), but if you really want to try http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/3316/arma2oa2012082112141212.jpg
  6. Thanks for the replies. I think there's problem with slow ram memory. Through the ram processor is not used fully. I greet
  7. Welcome I have trouble with low number of fps though fast computer. The issue is even when I lowered detals and resolution. Specification of my PC: Processor: QuadCore AMD Athlon II X4 640, 3000 MHz (15 x 200) Graphics Card: MSI NVIDIA GeForce GT 240 (512 MB) Mainboard: MSI 770T-C45 (MS-7388) Power Supply: 500W RAM Memory: Some informations: Nothing overlocking. I have installed MSI Afterburner and he shows the usage of a graphics card. When I play ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead Graphics Card usage is about 30%. CPU usage during I play ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead: http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/5259/arma2h.jpg (107 kB)
  8. rafikrafik007

    Vehicle Quality

    Interiors of a modern tanks would be very cool but hard to do.
  9. Can you add Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead demo on cloud gaming - gaikai.com?