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Everything posted by zamani532

  1. zamani532

    Controlling Tank as Commander

    Command them via the map and use Q to tell them to go slow while commanding. Its easier.
  2. zamani532

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Bought it, can't wait for more CZ themed maps.
  3. zamani532

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    If they aren't making a Lite version, might not be worth it since multiplayer wont pick it up.
  4. zamani532

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    BIS should give us a release date.. hoping for early summer.
  5. zamani532

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Independents are always just proxies to Blufor in ArmA campaigns.
  6. zamani532

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    OPFOR always gets the shaft.. none the less Im buying this.
  7. zamani532

    MiG-29 wip

    Can't wait for this!
  8. BEC scheduler is broken for me. I think changing the timezone somehow fucked up BEC?
  9. you can swim with only primary weapon and light backpack, maybe kevlar.
  10. You know what would be cool, if you could make commands and be able to set a group that all players can use, for example group @
  11. I want to make a little map for arma 2 and I need to hide the current mission stuff/briefing stuff on the top so I can take a clean screenshot. How do?
  12. zamani532

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    Yeah, ArmA3 ran like shit in the video.
  13. I just downloaded BAF from sprocket, but for some reason I can't join servers with it installed, most notably TAW Domination and DayZ servers.
  14. That worked, BAF 1.03 needed to be patched. Thanks for your help guys.
  15. It says BAF isn't signed addon.
  16. This is bullshit. I just downloaded the other beta and installed it then 5 minutes later I had to download this beta. :mad:
  17. zamani532

    Arma 3 && Multithreading!!

    I hope ARMA3 will take better advantage of Bulldozer, like BF3 does.
  18. My PC, AMD Athlon II X3 445 ASUS M4N68T-M-V2 PCS AMD HD 5770 1GB I like playing on high player count servers with heavy missions(Example: Warfare BE, PRmod), what will significantly improve my performance? ASUS 6870 or a AMD Phenom II X6 1055T? Don't suggest Intel I'm on a budget. And, will OA make use of all of my cores like BF3 does?
  19. Not according to metalcraze and whats his name, arma2 is now RO2 according to your post and metalcrazes logic :)
  20. Because if there is a guy on the other side of the door all he has to do is prone with a machine gun and kill you all. Tacticool does not always work in multiplayer games.
  21. You're also stupid. Where did I say I wanted ArmA3 to be BF3? Citation needed my friend :). my god are the majority here really this dumb? I'm used to moderated forums, sorry if I get a little angry at trolls like you.
  22. You're either a troll or drunk, I'm amazed.