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Everything posted by RossM236

  1. RossM236

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Awesome thanks, we noticed that you can't place base buildings very close together at all now? Is there anyway to change that? We've sifted through the files and couldn't immediately find anything :/
  2. RossM236

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Hey guys, I am fairly new to scripting, I know a fair amount about editing though. We are running an edited version of Zerty's which we have added: 1. All clothing and gear that is faction applicable, and any that is wearable by that faction (some is only CSAT compatible and if you wear it in NATO you will be naked. viceversa.) 2. Higher amounts of money. 3. Changed a few buildings around. The one thing we cannot do but is the main annoyance of this mission is get rearming to work properly: 1. Via service menu: With jets it just removes all the loadout and flares. With helis - which is should technically work with it will usually rearm the cannons (Orca for example) but not the rockets at all. And usually it just removes flares. It is generally quite glitchy. Usually does similar things for any vehicles which need rearmed. 2. Via ammo trucks. With anything, it seems to be that the ammo trucks have a limited resupply amount, I landed an Orca that was out of rockets and the machine gun was partially empty and it full reloaded the machine gun to 2000 rounds. But the rockets went from 0 to 3, max is 12 This whole process was 1000x better in the Arma 2 version, land next to a vehicle service point and that was it. But we can't do this anymore? tl;dr Basically, I am just looking for a reliable way to rearm ALL vehicles from empty/partially to full. It was super easy to do in Arma 2 - land next to a vehicle service point and it automatically rearmed, refuelled and repaired. Is there anyway to just attach a script like that to a repair depot building and land then just land within it's radius? Thanks is advance if anyone can help :) edit, also is adding towns just as easy as adding them in the editor?