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Posts posted by cheeseburger

  1. Please, please, please have a special focus on the bullet cracks. They're essential in such a game and do have a huge impact on gameplay, if done right (distant cracks, close cracks, really close cracks, really really close bullet flybies).

    You (and your buddies) seem to be one of the few people who have the talent, commitment and delicacy of feeling to get it right.

  2. Hey Jarhead,

    is it possible to replace the bullet crack sounds with my own sounds? Some of them sound low quality (I'm sure they're not, but they still sound like they would, especially that particular one when the bullet flies by very very close) and not very appropriate in certain situations (I'm a veteran).


  3. plus tan equipment

    That's a common mistake. Marsoc units are NOT wearing "TAN" equipment. They're using MJK (Matt Johnson Khaki), whichin fact is light green, and not tan/light brown.

    The thing is, when you take photos of Khaki gear, they look like Tan. I have lot's of original Eagle Industries stuff in MJK here, and in most cases, they look tan when being photographed.

    Just fyi: There is no "pure" tan camouflage used in the army/marines right now. If you see something in tan on photos, it's khaki.

    http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm140/Kniefjdl/colorcompare1.jpg (138 kB)

  4. While I agree that PR has given long life to Battlefield 2, I have to respectfully disagree with this statement. The persistent smoke particles in A3 are as good as I've seen in any recent games so far. While I'm really looking forward to Blastcore A3 to give that extra cool factor, the particle effects in BF2 aren't enough to win this argument.

    I have to disagree with this statement. Arma 3's effects look like complete garbage compared to those of PR:BF2. Even Blastcore doesn't look that good.

    Why would you not like to have effects like in PR:BF2? It's not only about "particles".

  5. Hello there

    I'm adoring the 2d scopes (that feels strange to say) I'd like the surround to be clearer rather than greyed/blacked out, But that's just me.

    Superb stuff.



    That's how it is in real life, the surroundings are blurred out because you only focus on the reticle/target. No need to change that.

  6. Hey Jarhead, really appreciating your good work.

    2 things I have to mention though:

    The explosion sounds are not realistic, they're sounding too hollywood. I'm sure you don't want to hear it, but "ACE soundmod" got it quite right. It would also be nice if the bullet crack sounds had more diversity, and wouldn't sound like they were all recorded with a different recording device.

  7. Hey, looks really great.

    One thing i'd like to mention though: I guess that you've tried modeled the RIS from the company "KAC", which is used by the army/marines. If that is the case, the model is a bit off. The RIS you've modeled isn't used by the US military. The whole RIS consists of 2 parts, not only one, the lower rail should not have the same height as the upper rail, those little holes on the upper part of the ris are also not as big as the holes in the lower part etc...

    Just have a look at that:


  8. I was hoping we would see some movement on the Blastcore front before release!

    While you're still early in development, I thought I'd ask: What is your approach towards realism? Do you try to reproduce FX based on real-life footage?

    I ask, because I have a CoD-detractor's allergy to heavy smoke trails, and like to see my EFPs come out looking right.

    Do you have any plans for modularity at all? Blastcore for A2 is glorious, but I really can't un-see all those videos of the real thing, and sometimes it runs afoul of your FX.

    Blastcores effects are really good, but just take a look at the FX effects of "Project Reality", a mod for Battlefield 2. Those are the best explosions i've ever seen in any mod/game.
