Hello @ all,
i'm new in this forum and also new in "creating" or modifing missions/scripting. But with help from this forum and especially this thread I have done a "conversion" of Domination for the "CLA afghan" island for our Squad {TNT}.
I'm using Version 260zc with ACE against AI and all is working like charm. But now i want to change the faction setup from West vs East to West vs Guerilla.
I found two promising files/places where i changed the following:
// WEST, EAST or GUER for own side, setup in x_setup.sqf
#ifdef __OWN_SIDE_WEST__
GVAR(own_side) = "WEST";
[color="#FF0000"]GVAR(enemy_side) = "GUER";[/color] //GVAR(enemy_side) = "EAST";
#ifdef __OWN_SIDE_EAST__
GVAR(own_side) = "EAST";
GVAR(enemy_side) = "WEST";
#ifdef __OWN_SIDE_GUER__
GVAR(own_side) = "GUER";
GVAR(enemy_side) = "EAST";
#ifdef __TT__
GVAR(enemy_side) = "GUER";
GVAR(own_side) = "WEST";
That changed the units at MT and Isle Defense to Guerilla units, and after editing in:
#ifdef __OWN_SIDE_WEST__
_eastcenter = createCenter east;
_guercenter = createCenter resistance;
west setFriend [east, 0.1];
east setFriend [west, 0.1];
west setFriend [resistance, 0.1];
resistance setFriend [west, 0.1];
east setFriend [resistance, 0.1];
resistance setFriend [east, 0.1];
they attacking now the West forces.
But I have now at least two problems... the Arty(operator) isn't working (Action is still in the menu for Arty Operator but nothing happens... no textmessages and no effect from Arty) and there are no side missions announced.
Can someone help me with this problem? I tried to use the search function but I think I don’t find the right words to find anything usefull.
Thanks for you help.