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About nap1991

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hey thanks for the help :) But just to be curious about the respawn thing, can i do that simply in the Description file? Regardless the ability of AI to continue their waypoints.
  2. As the topic, how to make different respawn method for different side? My idea is US soldiers have to search for a target to destroy behind enemy line. I want to set EAST soldier's respawn as BASE so that they keep appearing in the operation area. However, there will be no respawn for US soldiers. How can i make that? I only know how to make all units and sides respawn in the same method. Thanks P.S. will the respawned AI continue their waypoints?
  3. Thanks twirly. But i think we don't need the second onMapSingleClick in the quotation marks , do we? As in sqs I do not have that and the script works well.
  4. try this instead clicked = false hint "Click on map test" onMapSingleClick " player setpos _pos; clicked = true " @clicked hint "End of script" exit Btw, my script above is in sqs format so you have to save your script as filename.sqs I know .sqf is more powerful but i am used to use language for sqs and sqs is more simpler to me :P
  5. You are still talking the unload problem are you? If you want the heli land, just place a helipad nearby. The main points: Are your men and the heli in the same group? If they are in the same group, you should use a unload wp for the heli. If they are in separate groups, a transport unload wp is used for the heli. This works everytime for me. The wps can be place directly on helipad or somewhere close to it as AI heli will automatically land on nearby helipad if there is and necessary. (not too far away) Hope i am answering your question cause i didnt follow the whole thread :P
  6. Thanks man. I've tried to do it my way,,, it's like that: I create a reference object (A1) with a placement radius 2000m then i create other elements of the camp with specific dir and use "this setpos [((getpos A1 select 0)+/- x), ((getpos A1 select 1)+/- y),0]" but as you guys said, it just require loads of work as i have to preview the position for each objects maybe i'll just stick to your scripting method then :P
  7. thanks,,,i haven't tested it yet,,,but seems the code can spawn units around the marker,,, but wt if i also want to include some specific orientation which i can set in the editor but not just simply spawning units by script? also i am new to scripting :P so is there anyway i can do it in the editor with some simpler commands?
  8. The idea is: I want to create a enemy camp with some tents, fireplace and enemy units. However, i dont want to give them a fixed position as i want players to search for the camp. Therefore, i give all objects and units a placement radius say 2000m. But as i do this, all the stuff will just scatter randomly in that 2000m parameter but not in the position i want them to be. So is there any method to group all those objects and units so that they can appear as a group randomly in that 2000m parameter instead of scattering around individually? Many thanks.
  9. I have tried that,,,still,,,my friend stays in the plane while my AI team and me executed the HALO script :( Wt i did is create a trigger Name: HALO condition: HALO On Act : [A1,1500] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs"; [A2,1500] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs"; [A3,1500] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs"; [A4,1500] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs"; so on.. When the plane arrive at a certain waypoint,,, HALO = true Trigger is activated,, Me (host) and AI drop out but my friend still sits in the plane it maybe,,, but for my mission,,,cause the mission started in the base for players to pick their weapons from different crates. so if i halo and there are crates in battlefield behind enemy line,,,it looks odd btw, it seems that its the client that cannot execute the script. even i put that in the init field of the unit so that it halo as it start, i am afraid that they still cant execute the script
  10. Thanks,,will try it later :)
  11. I'm making a mission with some AI conversation. How do I display groupID of the unit in globalchat instead of just "Blufor" , "Independent", "Civilian"? Moreover, it is possible for me to set name of the unit (not group ID) and use in sidechat?
  12. Thanks for responding. But after going through your codes, it seems that all player will just eject instead of HALO. In fact in my mission, all units can HALO except those played by client. Any script can help to solve this?
  13. Hi,, I have experienced a problem that when i host my coop mission,,,i have a waypoint of a plane to let all passenger HALO,, the script i use is this one: [A1,1500] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs"; [A2,1500] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs"; [A3,1500] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs"; [A4,1500] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs"; so on.. When i test in editor, it works perfect. However, when i play with my friend,,whatever unit(A1-A4) he play,,,his unit just cannot HALO and stay in plane Is this a problem with the client? How can i solve this? Thanks