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About Madcow_001

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  1. Upon completing 'The Cove' Mission, I believe I landed too hard and broke the blades of my heli. No problem, I'll just wear the maintenance costs - I thought! Next mission was a flashback mission which I completed. When trying to take the next mission/contract I get the message 'Helicopter is too broken'. Sure, I will do the maintenance, then I will be able to fly? Wrong. The blades are still broken all over the place and I get the same message when I take the contract. Okay, I will redo The Cove. Nope, blades still broken - Helicopter is too damaged. Tried to revert to the flashback mission... strange when I get past the 2nd savepoint of this mission my heli just up and 'crashes'. Helicpoter is too damaged. Fine, I will just restart the whole damn career!!! Doing the first mission and when I get to the second savepoint (at the guy's compound) the heli just up and 'crashes' midair. MY HELICPOPTER is too damaged. Fine, Fine, FINE! I'll just start a new profile. Wait.. now my joystick/throttle (Saitek X52Pro) won't work. Check all the otpions, just like my original profile, but still NO GO. I tried deleting the two files in my Docs\Take on Helis and guess what? Now joystick controls won't work with default profile. Restore those two files and I can control the heli again, but it still crashes mid-air in the mission as before. Over 8 hrs in this game and getting seriously frustrated. FWIW I want my money back. :(