I want to make a mission where the player lands in a base and can choose whether they play the mission as a sniper or a squad leader. I was going to triggger the choice by having 2 boxes, each witht he corresponding gear, and a script checks whether either of the weapons are gone, which triggers the corresponding waypoint. How can i code it so the users choice of weapon activates one waypoint path, but not the other?????
that's the thing, i have no idea where it is coming from. I have done searchs of all the scripts in the mission folder, nothing there, and all the triggers, waypoints, and init lines of units, and still nothing there :/
I setup 2 bases for a mission in the 3D Editor. When i click preview it runs fine, but I have a persistent error which I dont know the cause of. When I export the Mission.sqf into the 2D Editor, the same error occurs.
There's the error. if you know or have any idea what is wrong please tell me...it doesnt seem to change the game in any way at all, its just really annoying when your trying to make a amission which is going to be release to the public and want to have no errors :/