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About Omninorm

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  1. Omninorm

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    I am a new player and agree with this post above. I think the game is awesome, but it needs to get streamlined to get to these awesome features. i am trying my best to get friends involved and help them see how much fun this game is. 1 or 2 might try it now, they actually bought the game, but i'm actually worried that they are goign to get frustrated with the above mentioned points and then drop the game and this is going to have a DIRECT AFFECT in them NOT purchasing ARMA3...which at the moment they want to get. I'll try my best though. I think to start the co-op missions online with a password, will ease them into the game. If BI can do the following with ARMA 3 they will have a winner. Improve accessibility Improve Gui Improve addon installation (not even updates) this can be a manual process. Copy it into a global "Addon" folder. Then as in O.A have the player be able to activate and deactivate the addons where they are browsing the MP games. The MP games list addons in use or needed. then you can click activate addons and it will be enabled before joining the game. The versions of the addons should not be BI's responsibility. If the addon is incompatible it will just say so. If i already placed the addon in the folder, i would know I can just download the addon and replace the content. This is a cool way of doing it as i can then do that, play another mission while the addon is being downloaded with a download helper etc in the background. I can also easily distribute those addons to my friends without issues and just tell them. "Dump this directory into your addon directory".
  2. Well I think back to the days of Delta Force games... had some great PvP games. Don't see why ARMA2 / 3 can't have that as well.
  3. Omninorm

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    I just want to add to this interesting thread. I'm new to ARMA2 - as in 1 day. Bought Combined operations on Steam yesterday. Played the training missions and 1 Mp mission and I'm hooked. i have been wanting a game like this since the old DeltaForce landwarrior games. just to add.. I am a BF3 player on PC...I like the game but it gets boring after I played them on console ( 1943, BF2, Bad Company, Bad Company 20 then i got back into PC gaming and got BC3. I don't like CoD. I was browsing around and found some ARMA3 footage on youtube. Then i decided to look at the devs and found Arma 2. looked on Steam and found A2:CO. The main reason why I am now an Arma 2 player is BECAUSE of the Sandbox, MIlsim and type of gameplay it offers. It's a damn breath of fresh air in this stale game industry. I seriously hope BI doesnt want to the BF3 / CoD etc etc type gameplay. That market is catered for and saturated. BI has a GEM here. yes make it a little more sleek. for goodness sake add a Mod Updater/packager type tool to make the installation easy to do and you will have MATURE, audience that actually spends money on your products here. i tell my friends (All of whom are 26+ and more towards 30) of ARMA, i show them stuff and i have 3 of them lining up to buy it. 1 problem... seriously complicated to get mods going and find out what to do on servers cause they use this or that pack. So Google is needed to look for info. 1 or 2 of them will go through the trouble. We are serious Milsim Airsoft players... so they love the idea of ARMA but the others will lack the patience and technical skill/time to go through all of it. Don't change the milsim and sandbox (modding) stuff!
  4. Omninorm

    Online help

    Since I bought my game from Steam i'm sure the update would have been applied? I'll have a look in the Team sections. - i'll just finish the training first. Thanks pvpscene.
  5. Omninorm

    Online help

    Also brand new to ARMA2. Bought Combined Operations from Steam and doing the training now. Loving it! I found a MP match and joined - was kinda cool but a very limited user created map on a carier. Was only 6 of us but I found it fun. However when trying to join most co-op games I found password protected games - fair enough but now my question is: Where is the best place sign up with teams to join them later in co-op? Also given the fact that I'm from South Africa the time difference might be an issue to US etc. to EU it should be fine. We had quite a thriving ARMA2 community quite a while ago but find the servers empty now.