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About SovietReign

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  1. When you go into arma 2 scenarios > my missions > create mission is it possible to export the mission that is created to multiplayer? I was really wanting to play one of those combat missions that are generated but couldn't find out how.
  2. SovietReign

    createVehicle Problem

    I need to rotate the vehicle through code don't I? Since the vehicle is spawned through a trigger and isn't anywhere on the map itself.
  3. SovietReign

    createVehicle Problem

    Thanks again :D Do you know how to rotate the vehicle?
  4. SovietReign

    createVehicle Problem

    You guys are gods. Still have two problems though. When I enter that it tells me that "Local variable in Global slot" or something along those lines. Also, how can I get the helicopter to spawn rotated 90 degrees? I tried rotating both the trigger and marker it spawns on with no luck.
  5. SovietReign

    createVehicle Problem

    Still nothing :(
  6. So I'm trying to make a mission that has a similar function to Xeno's domination. I want it so that when I complete an objective, a vehicle spawns (and respawns if destroyed). I got some code but it won't work for some strange reason. In the "On act" of the trigger I have _heli1 = "heli1" createVehicle ["MH9_Base_F", getMarkerPos "heli1sp", [], 0, "NONE"]; _heli1 = [this, 5, 1000] execVM "vehicle.sqf"; hint "Congratulations, your team has earned an MH-9. It is now available at base!"; The condition is Obj_1, and it works since the hint fires off but the vehicle won't spawn. Please help me out. Thanks!
  7. SovietReign

    Briefing Problem

    It works, but the problem is that there isn't the usual "Notes" tab when you open the map, It just shows the notes when I click briefing.
  8. SovietReign

    Briefing Problem

    I changed it to this waitUntil { !isNil {player} }; waitUntil { player == player }; switch (side player) do { case WEST: // BLUFOR briefing goes here { player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["From Voxel", "Y u no work?"]]; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Blueprints", "We have some attack helicopters, however we are unable to use them until we retreive the blueprints. <br/> <br/>We have intel on the suspected location of the blueprints. If you retrive them, we just might be able to put those helicopters to use.<br/> <br/>Good Luck."]]; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Landmines", "Intel shows that there are active landmines in the area. Our guys were able to mark the locations of the minefields on the map. <br/> <br/>Each minefield has approximately 50 mines, but it would be in your best interests to avoid these areas all together."]]; //Objective 1 tskObj_1 = player createSimpleTask ["Clear Agia Marina"]; tskObj_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Neutralize all enemy forces in Agia Marina in order to re-establish supply routes.", "Clear Agia Marina", "Clear Out"]; tskObj_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrObj1"); //Objective 2 tskObj_2 = player createSimpleTask ["Sabotage Helo"]; tskObj_2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Enemy forces are preparing a proto-type helicopter for its first flight - don't let that happen.", "Sabotage Helo", "Sabotage"]; tskObj_2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrObj2"); //Objective 3 tskObj_3 = player createSimpleTask ["Eliminate Officer"]; tskObj_3 setSimpleTaskDescription ["An OPFOR officer is meeting with a troop today. Make sure he dosn't come back from that meeting.", "Eliminate Officer", "Meeting"]; tskObj_3 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrObj3"); }; case EAST: // REDFOR briefing goes here { }; case RESISTANCE: // RESISTANCE/INDEPENDENT briefing goes here { }; case CIVILIAN: // CIVILIAN briefing goes here { }; }; Still having the same issue :(
  9. Hey guys, I recently got into making missions in Arma and I've run into a little issue. I made a briefing.sqf and put in the following code. waitUntil { !isNil {player} }; waitUntil { player == player }; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["From Voxel", "this is showing up in briefing as opposed to being under "notes""]]; //Objective 1 tskObj_1 = player createSimpleTask ["Clear Agia Marina"]; tskObj_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Neutralize all enemy forces in Agia Marina in order to re-establish supply routes.", "Clear Agia Marina", "Clear Out"]; tskObj_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrObj1"); //Objective 2 tskObj_2 = player createSimpleTask ["Sabotage Helo"]; tskObj_2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Enemy forces are preparing a proto-type helicopter for its first flight - don't let that happen.", "Sabotage Helo", "Sabotage"]; tskObj_2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrObj2"); //Objective 3 tskObj_3 = player createSimpleTask ["Eliminate Officer"]; tskObj_3 setSimpleTaskDescription ["An OPFOR officer is meeting with a troop today. Make sure he dosn't come back from that meeting.", "Eliminate Officer", "Meeting"]; tskObj_3 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrObj3"); switch (side player) do { case WEST: // BLUFOR briefing goes here { This text wont show up }; case EAST: // REDFOR briefing goes here { }; case RESISTANCE: // RESISTANCE/INDEPENDENT briefing goes here { }; case CIVILIAN: // CIVILIAN briefing goes here { }; }; My problem is that the code under "Case West" doesn't show up at all in the briefing tab. Instead the code from addDiaryRecord shows up in the briefing tab as opposed to having the usual "Notes" tab. Everything else you see works flawlessly. Thanks for any responses.
  10. If it is possible how is it done? I already know how to host a server but we do not want to go through the trouble of unlocking the Apache so we want everything unlocked at the start or just the Apache. Thanks for all responses :D And I would like to host ACE domination if that helps.