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Everything posted by derox

  1. Heey I made a mission where you need to do someting in order to capture an area. In my case i need to close pipes that are leaking toxic gas. But i want that if you closed 3 or 2 pipes then you wil capture the area. I know the part to capture etc. but i realy dont know how to make an script that makes somting els work after you in this case closed 3 or 2 pipes. Here are the codes i used. Init. execVm "scripts\Closepipe\spawnpipe.sqf"; Pipe1 Init. this setPos [(getPos this select 0),(getPos this select 1),+0.5];this enableSimulation false; pipe1.sqf Player playmove "ActsPercSnonWnonDnon_carFixing2"; deleteVehicle Smoke1; deleteVehicle Pipe1; "cp_1" setMarkerAlpha 0; "cp" setMarkerAlpha 1; Spawnpipe.sqf pipe1 = pipe1 addAction ["Close Pipe", "scripts\Closepipe\Pipe1.sqf"]; i want that this part of the script "cp_1" setMarkerAlpha 0; "cp" setMarkerAlpha 1; will run if i closed all the pipes in the area (3). Like this. and in order to run "cp_1" setMarkerAlpha 0; "cp" setMarkerAlpha 1; u need too close Pipe1 pipe2 pipe3 Can somone help me with this?
  2. derox

    Smoke Grenade

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?103874-Ok-somebody-must-know-this&highlight=irstrobe This may help you.
  3. Thx Kylania Ill test it out and ill let you know :D ---------- Post added at 23:21 ---------- Previous post was at 23:13 ---------- It works but what i ment is i want a massage too apear if you closed more pipes. this is 1 pipe. But thx anyway i will use the code in the gamelogic since its working better than what i have :D
  4. This disableAI "MOVE"sould work yes but if they see guns or somting they will still crouch or go prone. So i suggest to add this too. Civ init This disableAI "MOVE"; This setBehaviour "Carreless";[/Code] Add this to evrey single Civilian.
  5. Okey i am gona test it Thx again XD
  6. Heey I am making a mission with units that have custom skins. using this setObjectTexture [0, "texture\Camo4.paa"];this setObjectTexture [1, "texture\Camo.paa"];this setObjectTexture [2, "texture\Camo2.paa"];[/Code] This is the code in the unit. [Code]this setObjectTexture [0, "texture\Camo4.paa"];this setObjectTexture [1, "texture\Camo.paa"];this setObjectTexture [2, "texture\Camo2.paa"];removeallweapons this;this addweapon "M16A2";this addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";this addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";this addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";this addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";this addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";this addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";[/Code] What my problem is that if a Unit get killed. He will respawn but not with his custom skin i made. I tryed to do this with a trigger. i gave the unit a name "P1" and the trigger wil activate if P1 dies. then after a few second he will run this line that replaces the texture. But it has too be MP comptable. And it works some times but i need it too work 100% And i have to make a trigger for evrey single unit. (25 units). So can anybody help me with this problem? Trigger Min [Code]5[/Code] Mid [Code]5[/Code] Max [Code]5[/Code] Condition [Code]!alive p1[/Code] On Act [Code]p1 setObjectTexture [0, "texture\Camo4.paa"];p1 setObjectTexture [1, "texture\Camo.paa"];p1 setObjectTexture [2, "texture\Camo2.paa"]; removeallweapons p1;[/Code]
  7. YEa i know that script but i wanted the mission to be with out ace i had like hazmat units and a script like Dayz that u could change clothes from Civ clothes too Hazmat Unit. But i stoped working on it. i am working on somting els :D but thx anyway :D
  8. Well i am gona have diffrent sets of cars like Trucks and hummwv's and they all gona have textures on it with a logo from biohazard. same as the units. but if they get destroyed they have to respawn. but they need too hold there texture if they spawn. Init of the hummwv this setObjectTexture [0, "texture\Camo4.paa"];this setObjectTexture [1, "texture\Camo4.paa"];this setObjectTexture [2, "texture\Camo4.paa"];this setObjectTexture [3, "texture\Camo4.paa"];this setObjectTexture [4, "texture\Camo4.paa"]; And i dont have a truck yet. but i am gona make like hummwv's truck's heli's all that stuff. ---------- Post added at 18:05 ---------- Previous post was at 17:42 ---------- There is only one problem. I just found out in MP if i die i can see the texture if i respawn but my friend just sees my normal texture that belongs too the game. But if the mission start he sees me with the custom skin but if i die and respawn I can only see my custom skin and he cant
  9. Ill try somting out XD i am not a realy good scripter. But thx again :D
  10. THX it worked. one question can i make this work for cars too?
  11. No dident realy work on it anymore. sorry and sorry for my late reaction :S
  12. okey thx ill check it out real quik ;D ---------- Post added at 22:35 ---------- Previous post was at 22:07 ---------- Thx man it worked :D
  13. Heey i have been working on a mission . and i want my own custom sound in there. But if i start or load the mission the game crashes and gives an error. I dident write this my self. i used Arma Edit to make the description.ext but for some reason it give an error when i start the mission this is the script The Error i get is \Missions\Horror.Takistan\Description.ext, line 6:/CfgSounds/:'a' encountered instead of '{'
  14. Heey:) I am making a mission on Arma 2 OA. And i want to make somting. That you can change clotes somting like in dayz when you find a gilli. I want to make that there is this bag on the ground (CZ_VestPouch_EP1) there will be an option use and then you change in to a other caracter. but you can do it once. If you activated it the bag will deisapear. In my mission it will not be a gilli but a hazard dude from that mod. Plz can somone help me with this that would be great thx.
  15. Heey thanks for posting ill try it out
  16. Somone on skype sended me this. if("US_Soldier_Light_EP1" == "GUE_Soldier_1") then {}; else {}; But i dont know what i have to put in that. then {...} else {...}
  17. But then if somone shoot at you. You will not die right? And when you change clotes then the game spawns a new unit. And that is gona by the player who activated it. So there is no init in the unit. ps. What do you mean with Holy no code wrap... Thx for replying
  18. Thx it works fine now. All thx for replying!!!
  19. Thx it worked but this is just for 1 player i tink. Because if you activate it player sni will change to player rf. And i need more because my mission is a multiplayer mission. +you dont keep your gear. Its like a survival mission where you have to find gear.
  20. Heey I am making a TvsT mission. And one of the teams spawn on a LHD. And i want the units that dies get respawned on that carrier but. There is one problem. If i use the normal spawn like respawn = "BASE"; respawnDelay = 20; Then you will spawn in the water under the carrier. So does somone know how to spawn on the carrier.
  21. Yea it worked thx for replying
  22. thx it worked and look ferry ferry cool
  23. Heey:) I am making kind of A horror mission for Arma 2. And i am busy with a flash light now but i want to know how to turn it on and off:confused:. Im using this for the light. ------------------------------------------------ light1 = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; light1 setLightBrightness 0.02; light1 setLightAmbient [0.2,0.2,0.2]; light1 setLightColor [2,2,2.2]; light1 lightAttachObject [m1,[0,+4.7,+1]]; ------------------------------------------------ So if somone knows how to turn it on and off with a script . Doesnt matter if it needs Addaction or a button on your key boord Button will be cool thx for helping
  24. yes that is the script i whas talking about thx for helping