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About Hero540

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  1. Wow! Awesome suggestions! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me. I forgot entirely about AI mods. Thank you again for this list, I haven't had a chance to install them, but I'm gonna go ahead and give it a shot. I'll try to report in with my results. Sounds like those AI mods should do the trick though, as I remember using Zeus AI not too long ago before this Arma 2 reinstall, and it was much nicer. Just something I had completely forgotten about.
  2. Wow...lots of interesting information here, and a lot of program/mission creation stuff that I sadly do not understand (I don't make missions, hell I can barely play them.) It's very unfortunate too, because I am really loving truenam and the Unsung Mod. I realized I forgot to mention in my first post that I learned later than UNSUNG does NOT need ACE, but Truenam required it, so I also downloaded and activated the Unsung Ace compact mod, and still the medics have the same issue Opus is posting. I unfortunately cannot edit Truenam's mission files, so I don't know if an Ace Wound Module needs to be placed or not, and even if I could open a PBO file, I don't know if I'd know how to get it into the editor. Without a medic it's almost pointless to play...is there anyway that I can disable the ace-wounding system from TrueNam? I have removed the Ace_sys_wounds from the SQM file, but that just resulted in a crash. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
  3. Hey, nettrucker, thank you very much for your reply. I have to agree with you, I don't think ACE is to blame, as I have looked at the mission file for TrueNam and it has the ace-wound system enabled. However, I have always left my men in Aware mode. I wonder if telling them safe (after falling back from combat) will cure this. Perhaps the medic is waiting for a safe environment to be able to work on the injured. And if that isn't the case, I have also been able to tell whoever is injured to heal themselves at the ambulance at the base, so I wonder if I could just call in a helo and tell the injured man to board, where I can then tell him to go back to base and then heal himself. I suppose that would be a bit realistic, as the critically wounded man was medievaced, while myself and the rest of the squad continue the patrol. Anyways, thanks for your insight into this. It is a shame that it would seem Arma 2 is abandoned, as Arma 3 is apparently superior. I'm slowly saving my money and will be making the upgrade soon.
  4. I posted this in the Q&A sub-forum, but it ocurred to me that I may as well ask in the mod's forum as well, because it's what I'm currently using. Sorry if this is considered spamming the forum, but I've tried everything, and cannot find a solution. It would almost appear as if Arma 2 is completely abandoned at this point, which is a huge shame. Anyways, below is my original post. I'm desperate for help. I also forgot to mention in my original post that I'm using the Unsung Ace Compact add-on, which I had hoped would resolve the issue. Hey guys, So I'm sorry if this has been asked a thousand times before. I did a few google searches and found a lot of medic and AI related issues and solutions, but none quite seem to match the problem I'm having. So I'm running Arma 2 with the Unsung 2.6 mod, which requires ACE and CBA. So I have CBA CO and ACE installed, along with the Unsung mod. Everything there is working excellently. So I then downloaded a single player dynamic campaign called TrueNam, and it too works splendidly. Here's where I'm running into a problem, and I'm almost certain it's user error....I'm not a very good leader, so I almost always find myself or more often my AI units are wounded in firefights. I tell my medic to heal my wounded soldier, yet nothing happens. A heal icon will appear on the medic's icon, and he will run over to the injured trooper, but nothing will happen at that point. I have tried the mouse scrollwheel menu and I have also tried a different series of button/menu combinations. Usually my medic is unit three, so F3+6+1 (1=heal unit x) This combination will make the medic's icon have the text "action" and again, he will aproach the wounded unit, but nothing will happen. I have tried setting my ACE settings to single player medic, but the same thing will happen. The mission .sqm file for TrueNam has the ace_sys_wounds (or something like that) entry, and I notice whenever I start TrueNam my active character will sometimes start with morphine, bandages, and medkits on his person, as will the default medic. So what am I doing wrong? I also cannot drag/carry my wounded, which is quite unfortunate because I've had to call evac choppers for one guy and the poor jerk had to crawl to the chopper, which took forever and was not good in a firefight. Plus, nothing like ending a mission because one soldier is hit... Seems the only way I can heal my troops is to evac the entire squad back to base so I can then command the wounded man to heal himself at the base ambulance. Thanks in advance to anyone who can give me some help/insight into this. I'm not very combat effective when a minor wound forces the entire squad to leave the patrol.
  5. Hey guys, So I'm sorry if this has been asked a thousand times before. I did a few google searches and found a lot of medic and AI related issues and solutions, but none quite seem to match the problem I'm having. So I'm running Arma 2 with the Unsung 2.6 mod, which requires ACE and CBA. So I have CBA CO and ACE installed, along with the Unsung mod. Everything there is working excellently. So I then downloaded a single player dynamic campaign called TrueNam, and it too works splendidly. Here's where I'm running into a problem, and I'm almost certain it's user error....I'm not a very good leader, so I almost always find myself or more often my AI units are wounded in firefights. I tell my medic to heal my wounded soldier, yet nothing happens. A heal icon will appear on the medic's icon, and he will run over to the injured trooper, but nothing will happen at that point. I have tried the mouse scrollwheel menu and I have also tried a different series of button/menu combinations. Usually my medic is unit three, so F3+6+1 (1=heal unit x) This combination will make the medic's icon have the text "action" and again, he will aproach the wounded unit, but nothing will happen. I have tried setting my ACE settings to single player medic, but the same thing will happen. The mission .sqm file for TrueNam has the ace_sys_wounds (or something like that) entry, and I notice whenever I start TrueNam my active character will sometimes start with morphine, bandages, and medkits on his person, as will the default medic. So what am I doing wrong? I also cannot drag/carry my wounded, which is quite unfortunate because I've had to call evac choppers for one guy and the poor jerk had to crawl to the chopper, which took forever and was not good in a firefight. Plus, nothing like ending a mission because one soldier is hit... Seems the only way I can heal my troops is to evac the entire squad back to base so I can then command the wounded man to heal himself at the base ambulance. Thanks in advance to anyone who can give me some help/insight into this. I'm not very combat effective when a minor wound forces the entire squad to leave the patrol.
  6. I'm currently on the fence about purchasing Take On Helicopters right now on steam for 20 USD, and my major factor in doing so would be the use of the Heli 4 Hire Mod, but I'm not sure if it works with the newest updates of TKOH, which might be the problem here. I can't say for sure, as I don't even own the game yet, but if anyone can confirm that the mod is now too old and outdated to be compatible with the newest patch of TKOH, then I sadly won't buy the game, as I don't like the idea of a scripted career mode where you can only fly canned missions. I love the idea of being able to choose my own jobs, in an open world environment, where I can make my own story. I'm weird in that I don't like storylines in games.... Anyways, sorry I can't contribute more information as to your problem, OP, but I have also asked about compatibility with the latest patch and the Heli 4 Hire mod on the steam forums...hopefully if no one can deliver any insight here, someone on steam can... If money wasn't such an issue for me, I'd buy the game and try it myself, but as I said, I don't want to spend the money unless the mod will work. I digress...thanks in advance to anyone who can give us some information. EDIT/Update: Ok, so if anyone else is still looking for this information, I did get the mod to work. And yes, I did take a 20 dollar gamble, lol. Basically, here's what has to happen to install the mod using the steam version: Download the mod/mission Heli4Hire (from the 1st page&post link) Put the unzipped folder in the missions folder in Take on Helicopter's main steam directory C:\Progam Files(x86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Take On Helicopters MUST RENAME THE FOLDER TO (Heli4Hire-master.United_States_H) Also in the Heli4Hile folder there is a folder called (Addon (install pbo file as mod) the files in this folder go to C:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Take On Helicopters\@Moach\Addons YOU MAKE THE FOLDERS (@Moach\Addons) Now, after all that is said and done, you then have to go into the game and click on expansions and enable @Moach or Heli4Hire or whatever you named it. Even after this it would appear as though it doesn't work if you go to open it using the editor like it's described. No, if you want to play this mod, go to single player, then challenges, then you'll see "Heli4Hire Simcopter Revival" Check that box and click play. Boom, now you're in a free mode where you can manage up to three choppers, with a limited amount of funds (you earn more money by doing missions) and a hangar to customize your helos. In order to start earning the money for this be sure to turn on your ATC radio and report in to your dispatcher to get assignments. Tons of different missions from passenger taxis, medevacs (I think) and sling load operations. Have fun, pilots.
  7. Hero540

    Newbie Seeking to be Chopper Pilot

    Hey gentlemen, thanks for the further replies! Unfortunately, I'm just using ARMA 2 Free, unless Operation Arrow Head comes with that? If so I'll definitely check out the server and help you guys out!
  8. Hero540

    Newbie Seeking to be Chopper Pilot

    Thanks, Celery! I appreciate the incredibly fast reply! I watched a lot of videos about it and I know low and fast seems to be the answer to get into hot LZs and what-not. Being a chopper pilot really interests me because I think I'd really enjoy taking soldiers into the fight and evac-ing them as needed. Unfortunately I do not know enough about the game yet to really know everything about it, so your suggestion of practicing is a great idea. I notice medics are in the game, so is it possible to med-evac soldiers using helos and such? Again, I apologize for all the questions. I'm in the process of installing the game now, and will give myself some trials by fire. Thanks again!
  9. Hey folks! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I got this in the correct forum. Anyways, I'm new to the ARMA 2 Free scene, but I've been watching videos and just generally checking out the game and I must say, I'm very interested in becoming a chopper pilot (or pilot in general) for a group that could use one. However, I'm pretty much a newb (so hopefully they won't mind taking the time time and helping me learn the ropes. Being a flight sim nerd I'm kinda geeking out about that aspect of the game. (Can you use a joystick to fly?) Can anyone give me some suggestions to help me get my footing with a clan/gaming group that could use a pilot? I'm willing to work my way up if I have to, and paratrooper operations interest me also. Thanks in advance guys! --Lee