Name: Allan
Age: 25
Location: Edinburgh, UK
Microphone & teamspeak: Yes
Languages: English, Turkish
User name: Steam- asinclar
Experience: I'm pretty new to Arma have been playing since around Christmas (2011) I have a friend who plays on a regular basis so he was kind enough to show me some of the basics. Have been playing PR mod for BF2 for a few years so have experience within a sim focused game.
Looking for: A clan/community/squad who are very active. Somewhere I can be taught more about Arma, preferably training programmes. Large community where I can take part in large ops as part of an organised group of people.
General activity: Must be very active, I like to play most evenings and looking for groups of people who also play on a regular basis.
I own all the expansions and also have the PR mod. If you think I would fit in to your group add me on steam or send me a message here on the forums!