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Everything posted by pepin1234

  1. I really dont know if I spend my money for nothing with this game. Long time I dont play with the Hind and today I update to 1.06 ver and when I like flight I continue turning in the air and my controls have not reaction. I search info about the Hind success and I find the same info since one year ago. Nobody fly this game??
  2. Then what is the mistery for configure it right?? Someone know a threads or a youtube video where I can see the procedure? It is not my first aviation simulator... I have a x52 pro
  3. pepin1234

    The new review of HINDS dlc.

    I am agree with the review. I think ARMA and TOH could be a game for fun but is disappointing that BI did not set a full simulation option of a battle situation. So maybe I have to say BI make that Hind, just for the ARMA comunity and dont be interesting to try make a real simulation of war helicopters. And please fix the big bug about the joysticks and the patches!!
  4. pepin1234

    Take On: Hinds!

    Hey please here is my count. TOKH 36 euros http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B005VNV8CA/ref=oh_o00_s00_i00_details plus the hind 12 euros http://www.sprocketidea.com/joomla/index.php?page=shop.product_details&product_id=57&option=com_virtuemart all that is 48 euros. So the DCSs series I think have a great price just take a look here: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/index.php?end_pos=1322&scr=shop〈=en. Great comunity and good quality at all. I will keep the TOKH in my computer, but sorry I cant make flight the Hind with that current quality!!! The canon shot is like a lazer. The cockpit is so bad!! even bad than the EECH last update, even when that game have just comunity improvements!!! Please
  5. pepin1234

    Take On: Hinds!

    The people of BI most to know that the add-on of hind is not successful. Maybe for the game-boys is funny, but for someone that love the flight simulation I find the hind like a toy. In the cockpit I cant see the instruments numbers. Some instruments panels just not exist. The hud is like the stars wars. The weapons sistems are a imitation of the stars wars. I just have to say to BI please work hard with the hind. Thats a great Heli to earn that bad experiece. Others way the TOKH is a boys-game
  6. I can install the beta 1.05 on the 1.04 with the Hind??
  7. pepin1234

    patch 104 something broken?

    Well I have the same problem and honestly I think is not just the joystick sensitive. The light chopper is total unflyable. The different betwen the light and the medium chopper is so high. I think is a problem of the flying physic.
  8. pepin1234

    Take On: Hinds!

    The really important thing to make a good army simulator with air support is the comunication between the ground troops and the air team, also the IA must have the possibility of comunication using some code or lenguaje. This is the handycap of the DCS I thing. THX