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Everything posted by brzozowsky

  1. On many systems the dxdiag shows a wrong vram. this is normal. but the vram problems in game is not a windows or hardware problem.
  2. After reinstal windows, same problem. HUD and Texture flickering. Crash to desktop after 15 min. gameplay. Come on Bohemia, fix this! All games run without problems, only Arma 2 OA not! (BF3, Crysis 2, CSS, Diablo 3, Portal 2) 100.000.000 updates and the game is still unplayable. Whats wrong here? My System: Win 7 Ultimate SP1 (All updates) CPU: Intel 3.5 GHZ RAM: 4 GB (3 GB used) VGA: GeForce GTX 580 witg 3 GB RAM VGA Driver: v301.42 ArmA2 (latest v1.11 patch) ArmA2 OA (latest 1.60 patch) no mods
  3. It is the same flickering like this? Video 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XftMd9ePW10&feature=player_embedded Video 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwWIOGNwWRw&feature=player_embedded
  4. Try this: go to c/users/your name/my documents/arma 2/ First open this file: ArmA2OA.cfg Find and edit: localVRAM=2147483647; nonlocalVRAM=1336125440; now open this file in same folder: YOURNAME.Arma2OAProfile Find and edit: TexQuality=3; TexMemory=3; Save and start the game.
  5. brzozowsky

    [SP] Flashpoint: Chernarus

    Hey thomsonb, thanks for this great gamemode! ...and this mod works great with the AI First Aid Support by DAP! See Video :
  6. Yes guys, you are right. I thing its a bug in Windows 7 x86 if you have 4GB RAM installed. I found a solution after a long night. I have found in a german forum a unofficial RAM-Patch for Windows 7 x86. After installing the patch, Windows 7 shows me i have 4 GB RAM installed, before the patch it was 2.99 GB. ...and the dxdiag shows me 721MB, before it was 273MB Now i can set VERY HIGH - Video memory and VERY HIGH - Texture quality in the settings. I have played Arma2OA v1.60 today about 4 hours without errors or crashes. The system is with the RAM-Patch stable. Here are informations about the RAM-Patch for Win7 x86: http://www.unawave.de/windows-7-tipps/32-bit-ram-barrier.html?lang=EN And here is the Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?bvj55nuurcvcndo Big thanks to all for helping to resolve this problem! (Sorry my english)
  7. Hey! This is it! Thanks! It shows me only 175 MB? I thing this has to do with the VGA Chip on Mainboard. (Is disabled in BIOS) But how i can change this value? Is it possible?
  8. Yes, this is it. I have try to delete the *.cfg file or enter the VRAM manualy: localVRAM=3072000000; (for Nvidia GTX580 with 3GB RAM) But when i start the game and change anything in the settings, the localVRAM jump back to 2147483647. My next step is to remove the game, and install the free arma2 version for testing.
  9. You mean Forceware Driver? No. Hmm, i try it now.
  10. Thanks for the files, PvPscene! With the files are the "Very high" Video Memory and Texture Quality enabled (or visible). But if i change the settings to low, the high settings are locked (invisible) again. I have try this changes: 1. Reinstall Arma2 & Arrowhead (Update 1.52) 2. Reinstall Arma2 & Arrowhead (Update 1.59) 3. Reinstall Arma2 & Arrowhead (Update 1.60) 4. Reinstall Nvidia Drivers 285.62 WHQL 5. Reinstall Nvidia Drivers 295.73 WHQL 6. Disabled the VGA Onboard in BIOS and deactivate the Onboard VGA drivers in Windows. (Only the Nvidia card as Primary VGA adapter, no second VGA) Problems are the same! ...and its not a classic texture flickering in game (with GUI flickering), its looks like a fast switching between LOW settings and MEDIUM settings, see short video. http://youtu.be/XftMd9ePW10 (sorry my englisch)
  11. Thanks for help, guys! Here are the files: - userName.ArmA2OAprofile - arma2oa.cfg - arma2oa.rpt - arma2OA.bidmp - arma2OA.mdmp - DxDiag.txt Download: http://brzozowsky.bplaced.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Arma2OA.rar I use this commands on the Arma2OA.exe to start: -nosplash -cpucount=4 -exThreads=7 -mod=@CBA;@LittleBirds;@JSRS1.4 I have tested it without this commands, but i have the same problems.
  12. I have changed Interface Resolution and 3D Resolution to 1680x1050. DirectX is updatet to newest. Same problems. And here is a short video of GUI and Texture Flickering in game: http://youtu.be/BwWIOGNwWRw
  13. I have reinstall windows 7 and the game, newest drivers. Game update to 1.60. I can change the settings VIDEO MEMORY and TEXTURE DETAIL only to NORMAL or LOW. See image below. And after 5 minutes gameplay i have Texture flickering in gameplay. After 10 minutes the game crash to desktop. http://brzozowsky.bplaced.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/screen_1.jpg My Graphic card: http://brzozowsky.bplaced.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/screen.jpg
  14. Same problem here + Texture flickering after 5 minutes gameplay! Game is up to date, new installation with newest patch 1.60 is installed. No problems with other games (Crysis 2, Dead Space 2, Allan Wake,...) My system: -Windows 7 Ultimate + SP1 -Nvidia Driver v295.73 WHQL -Intel Core2Quad i7-2700K @ 3,50 GHz -3GB DDR3 RAM -EVGA GeForce GTX 580 / 3GB (not Overclocked)