Hello first time poster long time...... listener?
Any way the problem stems form when you turn off the auto trim for some reason the trim settings are skewed all the way to the right by default and so in order to get flying straight again press "right CTRL + NUM 4" for cyclic trim right and opposite for when she's pulling left, this is in the controls in the menu. The question is when you in a real helicopter is trim set according to the last position of the cyclic or applied to the control surfaces independently as when i do select a trim position the stick is centered but shes turning. In real heli's, trim is on the stick and applied by some sort of magnet setup, so in flight when i enable manual trim it should default to my cyclic position and not like an planes trim be set to what ever. Either way there should be a patch because the default position is center. Oh and why no warning lights or warning sounds when your breaking the helicopter by reckless flying (which i enjoy) in expert mode.
BEst helisim I have ever played.