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About Palyarmerc

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  1. Palyarmerc

    Vehicles faster offroad?

    This will require some work and research on your part. I can't help you with that, (Idea taken from Gravel Road Speed by andersson (problem solved courtesy of this mod)) Open the Island you want faster cars on. (Using Eliteness) Open the Config.bin (Using Laza) Save the Config.bin as a Config.cpp (editable with notepad) Remember to remove everything from the top of this file before where it says: class CfgPatches (Laza leaves it there and it'll crash) Find: class CfgSurfaces change all values of Rough to: rough = 0.030000; Now, if you want all default Arma2 map terrain to work you'll need to add as many other CfgSurfaces from as many other maps as you can open, copy them but only paste this bit into your main config.cpp (under CfgSurfaces obviously) Example of other CfgSurface Types not included in panthera2: class Roadway : Default { access = 2; rough = 0.030000; dust = 0.500000; }; class Asfalt : Roadway { access = 2; rough = 0.030000; dust = 0.500000; }; class Cesta : Roadway { access = 2; rough = 0.030000; dust = 0.500000; }; Now, your config.cpp should look like this, class CfgPatches { class FastOffRoad { units[] = {}; weapons[] = { }; requiredVersion = 1.0; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; fileName = "FastOffRoad.pbo"; author = "Me"; mail = "Me@me.info"; }; }; class CfgSurfaces { class Default { }; class IBRPantheragrassSurface : Default { files = "ibr_grass_*"; rough = 0.030000; dust = 0.100000; soundEnviron = "grass"; character = "ibr_PgrassClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class Roadway : Default { access = 2; rough = 0.030000; }; class Asfalt : Roadway { access = 2; rough = 0.030000; }; // plus as many more surfaces as you can find - etc, etc, }; Note: you will need to keep all of the extra data intact - SoundEnviron, Character, Soundhit etc as per the Island Original, it needs to re-read this to work. create a folder called whatever you called your class CfgPatches, here it's FastOffRoad Put the config.cpp into this folder and pack-it (I use PBOview for simple stuff like this) It'll create a pbo called FastOffRoad.pbo Put this FastOffRoad.pbo file into an @folder/addons (maybe your own @MyMods/Addons folder?) Run this at folder after the Island you want it to work on: -mod=@panthera;@Lingor;@MyMods; It will override the default values provided by the Islands. I think both server and client need this file if you play with friends, but otherwise you should see an improved performance off-road. Worked for me anyway, full road speeds on grass surfaces, oh yeah ! EDIT: Actually the more I play with this the less I understand it. If I did as I say it doesn't quite work It only works (for example) if I am playing on Panthera, and I modify (and add more surfaces) to a new panthera2.pbo and run this in an additional @folder. If I just name the pbo FastOffRoad.pbo it doesn't seem to pick it up. Could just be a folder path issue, as it is no longer referencing panthera, but maybe someone else can shed light on how a Universal Off Road pbo could be created and bi-Signed The solution is still found in doing it this way, that's the main thing.
  2. I found a really good way of ensuring an open flat area for spawning randomly over a huge area. By placing a marker and calling an sqf script null=["markername",500]execVM "randomloc.sqf"; _marker = _this select 0; _radius = _this select 1; _pos = getmarkerpos _marker; _exp = [_pos, 1, _radius, 5, 0, 5 * (pi / 180), 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; while {surfaceisWater _exp} do {_exp = [_pos, 1, _radius, 5, 0, 5 * (pi / 180), 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;}; _name = "UAZ_RU" createVehicle _exp; The 'while' command was necessary almost certainly, on Rahmadi, as the position always spawned in the water NW of the island By making the script search for land, it finally placed it on open terrain. The script I found somewhere, but the tweak works really well.