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About rjc0235

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    Private First Class
  1. sa as i was save scumming away during the discovery of the scouting missions (which is a game in itself!) i had an error where the rear part of the box van had the incorrect texture now i know there was an issue before where people couldn't re-texture it, due to the random texture system on them, but its like the texture map is accidental rotate, so will have all sorts of random shapes on it (like 30MPH limit sign, or front bumper logo etc) as a side not, if i go into editor and put in a new boxtruck etc,they have correct textures, so it is a campaign bug http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/674/CyP0QT.jpg (373 kB) http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/673/FJQsm4.jpg (346 kB) link because large clogging images Is there any way to fix this, or report this? BTW i know nothing about modding, let alone modding arma, or adjusting files. yes, i should not be a PC gamer appreciate any help
  2. rjc0235

    Reality Check

    erm, it was last years E3 video. they were innterviewing someone at the booth, and they said about nodding is a huge part of arma III, where will arma IV take us, to space? and the guy pretty much said they hope there will be no arma IV (meaning arma III will be robust as hell) and they can fully focus on other bohemia interactive titles and arma III, not dropping development and starting arma IV. unfortunately, as someone on the internet, i have no citation. ---------- Post added at 12:20 ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 ---------- oh yes. i do not doubt that. they will certainly deliver, but to go into release now, and not in a months time, a bit of a shame. also (fool on me) when you pre-order a game, info like that isnt out there at the time. still, imagine shipping an elderscrolls game where they havn't done the magic system yet.
  3. yes, but to omit vehicles that are in a paid for guide, in every promotional videos etc? that's a bit harsh. however. i (hope) that the current, thin, selection of kit and vehicles was just a whole "oh look, we have got atlas and stratis in pretty much bug free mode, the code is there, its gone gold, lets get it to the people ASAP and add features for free later"
  4. rjc0235

    Reality Check

    you know what. i really have to agree. ok so yes, the map is HUGE and detailed, and they had to do alot of engine work, but i swear, all the gear that soldiers use is same for all factions, and where are all the aircraft? and ARMA II jet, and not the best one at that? where are the transports, where are the civi aircraft? im really confused. and really. dont get me started on when I clicked on campaign and it said coming soon. really? you release a game without a single player? thats borderline illegally selling me a product. i brought a game so i could have a player experience. not even giving me any campaign at releae is just like giving me a piece of paper, loads of glitter, but no glue to stick it all down. its a joke Bohemia interactive. a real joke. what happened to the armoury? and all you give me is live fire drills? cmon guys. just look at the tactical guide. look at the 3 factions. they all look the same, just a re-skin. ok so yeah, its understandable, but really, the pilots for the factions ARE identical. same with scuba. ok so maybey in the future one company makes all the weapons and camo and gear and vehicles, i hope there is a nice fat patch with all this content. fingers crossed this is the iceing on the cake. quote from behemia interactive was "we hope there is no arma 4" so maybey, they will just wonderfully expand.
  5. so i spent a nice quick "flick" through the tactical guide. (especialy interested in the aircraft section, as an ARMA II pilot) however, after getting into the game, and instanty going to the editor to try it out, i found that aircraft were, limited, to say the least. i couldn't find the F-35 or the C-192 that were mentioned in the guide, only helicopters, a single jet and recon aircraft. now, am i looking in the wrong place, or is it just a "soon to be added" feature (really, ship a game without single player? and call the single player DLC? really? really!?! (but that's a WHOLE other topic)) even the Cesna that was apparently in the beta, i cant seem to find in the full release. so, if anyone has the answer to this, please reply. many thanks.
  6. rjc0235


    yep. got that mail. followed every link, yet it seemed to dowload the beta. well 3rd time was lucky and i finnaly have the actual game. a mod can lock this thread now as sorted. thanks for the times though
  7. rjc0235


    wow. turns out it decided to use the beta version, simply becuase i hadnt removed my godam save files.
  8. so Bohemia interactive, you actually going to give me a copy of your game or am i going to have to fork out yet more cash? seems that even though i was a day 1 addopter of the contribute and play beta, you still aint given me my download for this game, just the beta download.
  9. same here. litteraly spent all day downloading it, to find out they screwed up my download and it downloaded the beta. FFS
  10. everyything seemed excelent. other than one of the vehicles being unable to find its way to dock, some dodgey distant textures and HORRIBLE mouse acceleration, it was all magnificent, and ran (for me) wonderfully
  11. rjc0235

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    well all i can say is Bohemia interactive have a record for making games that dont run so well, probarbly due to a lower budget, but with arma II i think it has become a sort of hit. now if take on helicopters is anything to go by (which it probarbly isnt, as less detail) ARMA III will definately need more to run, but i wouldnt say too much more
  12. rjc0235

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    hehe. yep, and that 2 page report of what you were doing when the game crashed :P
  13. yep. i sent my crash reports to Dwarden. luckly the game has been kind to me with crashes
  14. sweet. i did read somewhere about using the Beta launcher, but i tried that and nothing happened, looks like i also need the patch. thanks
  15. ok cool thanks. thats probarbly why i can bomb aboutfor hours in the editor, but cant get far in the campaign (though the crashes have been quite kind to me recently)