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Everything posted by JustNothing

  1. Ok there is an other problem i found testing my island. Some objects seem to disappear for a moment when i walk past them. Especially when i walk over the bridge (I have put two bridges together) at the point where the bridges touch i get this problem. Hope that someone can help me with this... :)
  2. JustNothing

    Problem with objects on my map

    Thank you @robster! You have solved it! As you recomended i changed the cell size and set it to 10.And now it seems to work! Thank you! :) EDIT: Its strange, but your solution worked for the bridge object, but not for the dock and the dam objects....I really dont know why...
  3. JustNothing

    Problem with objects on my map

    Sorry...still does not work :( Terrain size is 2560x2560m; Terrain cell size is 5m;
  4. JustNothing

    Problem with objects on my map

    Sorry it still does not work...still the same problem... :(
  5. JustNothing

    Problem with objects on my map

    Ok...seems that this could solve the problem... But is there a way to set canbeoccluded to 0? (I just dont know anything about O2...or is there a way to set this value for the bridge object without using o2?) Now that i have read this i am sure that it would sove the problem... No...Because then it would be too broad to fit to the roads....So i have to put more bridge parts together... :)
  6. JustNothing

    Problem with objects on my map

    Ok thank you...at least you tried to help :)
  7. JustNothing

    Problem with roads

    Ok...i have removed the image for the moment, because i am on my ipad now and cant resize it there... Now back to the problem: I created a crossroad (x) as keypoint, added roads at each side and used an other crossroad as a terminator...And from this crossroad i added the next road parts...
  8. Hi, At the moment i am working on my new island. But now ive got a problem and i dont know how to solve it... Ingame some parts of my roads are missing. In bulldozer everything looked fine, but ingame there are some parts missing. Would be nice if someone could help me....
  9. JustNothing

    Problem with roads

    A) Sorry, i did not know... :) b) I am using the "city" road parts out of the road2 folder...Epecially with the "city_25" parts i get this problem...
  10. JustNothing

    Problem with objects on my map

    Because i am working on a map with a big city there are a lot of houses, but in the area where the bridge is located, there are not that much objects around... I am using the "bridge_asf1_25" bridge out of the roads2 folder. It happens with the bridge, and also with the dam and the docks. So under all this objects there is whater... I needed 3 of the bridge and dam parts to cross the river so i matched them together. (In Bulldozer the bridge parts are looking matched up perfectly...). Ingame from the distance everything looks fine, but when i walk over this objects i get the problem ( when i come to to the end of a bridge part). And if i stop at the point where this happens, looking up and down leads to this result: [