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About Armhunter

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  • Interests
    jui-jitsu, Skyrim, Jiu Jitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Mustaine: A Heavy Metal Memoir, Watchers The Thing
  • Occupation
    Well Planning Engineer, Design Well Plans for an efficient way to get our American Oil.

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  • Biography
    Not much really to know. I work all day for Scientific Drilling then I teach JiuJitsu at night. I love my family and cant get enough of my Daughter Rayn! She is so beautiful like her mom.
  1. I did not know where to put this, and please dont take it down. This information doesnt just help with Take On Helicopters but for any game that requires a lot of memory. It took me a few days of researching and testing to figure this out. While searching I saw a lot of posts about people having trouble running this flight sim and many others on a Mac. ( no not here, but all over the net) I am just trying to help. A couple games that I have tried. Take on Helicopters, Rise of Flight and Black Shark 2. My system is a Mac Pro Xeon 3.0 2x2, so its a quad core. I had 4 gigs and upgraded the video card to a Radeon 5770 before trying all this. I ran bootcamp and installed Windows 7 32 bit version. I have been out of the loop for a while as far as games go. I saw all the new flight sims and just had to get back into it. This game is awesome by the way! So when I was done installing it, it was very frustrating to see it crash from time to time. It was also frustrating to have to turn down some of the settings as far as graphics go. I figured it had to be the memory. So I upgraded to 8 gigs. This did not help at all since I was running the 32 bit version of Windows 7, which will only detect 4 gigs, it wont go any higher! I did not know this! So then I installed windows 7 64 bit version and this did the trick. Windows 7 Home Premium will see up to 16gigs. It detected all my memory and was able to run all of the above sims without crashing anymore. Not only that, Black Shark2 was running with almost all the graphics turned up. Take on Heli was also running smooth with almost everything turned up. Rise of flight is running at max! I read so many people trying to install these games and just having issues with it crashing. So i thought i would post this to help those who wanted to know. I know Mac computers are expensive, but now I have two computer in one. One does all my video editing and music editing, the other, well, its a gaming machine.
  2. What i started out doing was: right before I would want to land I would set the helicopter in auto hover mode. It would help keep the heli level, then you can just slowly guide it to where you want to land it and lower the collective. it makes it much easier. Once I got used to it, I just started landing on my own.
  3. Armhunter

    TOH on Mac?

    I dont agree with this statement either. If we are just talking about games, then yes. A PC and a Mac are both built for different purpose. I have both a MacPro and a PC with just about the same specs. I render movies on both but the PC falls behind a great deal when it comes to just that. PC's are more of a gaming machine then anything else, and yes, most business programs. But a Mac is hands down the best for Musicains and those who make movies. So to say the Mac technology is not as good as a PC is just not true at all. It just depends on what you want to do with it. I have a MacPro quad core Xeon 3.0 with a Radeon 5770 and it runs the game on the highest graphic setting at 1920x1080 without a problem in Windows 7 under bootcamp. In Fact, I have the following running smoothly! : Rise of Flight and Black Shark 2.. If you dont have a powerful Mac, I would go buy a PC for the game, it will cost you less money and that is what the game is made for. Even though I have a PC, I use my mac far more then the PC, so I am slowly getting away from the PC... That is why i installed the games on the MAC.. One, to test it, and since it works just fine, I play them on my MAC...