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Everything posted by Mayrhofen

  1. Mayrhofen

    Project Reality: Arma 2

    Great mod. In addition to the links already posted, there's a starting guide you can find here.
  2. Thank you for the detailed and helpful replies. I finally got everything working - and of course, the solution was something ridiculously easy. I was using the latest Arma2P, but apparently not the latest BI tools, even though I downloaded them from the wiki. Suffices to say there was some conflict with the old BI tools and all the config files from ca folder. All I had to do, is download the latest BI tools. Something so simple to overlook! Anyway, thanks again. Luckily everything works fine now. I imagine most people would have given up by now though. Hopefully my findings will help somebody else too. Binarize.exe has stopped working, binpbo crashing...
  3. I wasn't using the P drive setup, because UAC was interfiering with it. And yes, I was able to binarize the samplemap like this. Also, I've tried binarizing both ways, with UAC on and off - made no difference. Using the P drive method didn't change anything either. does this look correct to you? it's my copy directly line: Thanks! edit: issue isn't with the copy directly line. Reinstalled binpbo, no change. edit2: Oh wow. Can't even binarize the samplemap anymore, regardless of UAC/paths I use. Every single time, it says binarize.exe has stopped working. Tried reinstalling all the tools, didn't make a difference. edit3: Reinstalled everything, unpacked the pbos, etc. Totally clean install + sample map. Just doesn't work. Binarize.exe still stops working. Visitor + buldozer work fine.. Of course I stumble on a problem that nobody else is having on day 1. :( edit4: YES. I was finally able to binarize samplemap again. It only works if I use the pbos mentioned here. I was using the ArmA2P thingy to unpack all the official pbos. Apparently binpbo doesn't like something ArmA2P does. Any idea what was wrong? I'd really rather not unpack all the pbos manually. edit5: Actually ArmA2P is fine. I put all the extracted pbos back to the ca folder. Binarizing goes fine, as long as the configs-only CA folder in my workspace only includes cpp files from the pbos mentioned here. If I use command prompt to get all the cpp files, binarizing starts failing again. Any ideas which config files might be screwing with me?
  4. Let me start off by saying that this guide is the best one. There's quite a few out there, some have mistakes in them, some are outdated, some are awfully written. Happy I stumbled on your's. I have a problem though. I worked through the whole guide. Everything works fine in visitor and buldozer, but when trying to binarize, the executable stops working. It literally says Binarize.exe has stopped working, every time. In the logs the last line is: <world = "c:\users\may\documents\armawork\may\lash\Lash.wrp"> However, a pbo file is still created by binpbo. When I try to test it in-game, I get a read error from the same .wrp file. Pretty clueless to be honest, any ideas/help would be appreciated. Note that I am using a link to the actual files on purpose, instead of the P virtual drive. edit: I guess it is also worth mentioning that I was able to binarize the samplemap example earlier today.
  5. I'm not playing on high or very high. I've gone down to Normal and Low, with AA and all the fancy stuff off. Graphic settings don't really make much of a difference. There is something specific causing it to this rather small group of people. I'm trying to figure out what it is, in order to bypass it or get rid of it. Not really relying on the devs to fix it any time soon. It was reported over three months ago if I recall correctly.
  6. There has to be a common trigger. Otherwise there would be a lot more people complaining. If it's not the operating system, then what? I was having a quite decent FPS in MP today after clocking my CPU. But, I'm afraid it's a coincident with server/map/something. Ten minutes later everything turned back to it's old self. Actually kind of pissed off already. Config File: GPU_MaxFramesAhead - Didn't notice a change, despite different tried values like 0, 1, 80, 1000. GPU_DetectedFramesAhead - Ended up setting it on 3, maybe gave me 5 FPS here and there. sceneComplexity - Tried 110k, 150k, 300k. No change. fovTop & fovLeft - Multiplied original values by 1.3. No change. shadingQuality - Had it on 10. Changed it to 0, if anything, I lost a few FPS. AToC - Tried 0 and 7. No change. Videocard Settings: Tripple Buffering - No change. Tesselaton - No change. Texture Quality - Set it on Performance. No change. Shortcut Attributes: cpucount - No change. exthreads - No change. maxmem - No change. world - No change in FPS or loading times. winxp - No change. In-game Settings: Video Memory - Had it on default, left it on High. 5 FPS raise. Left Column Settings - Change between everything on minumum and normal was a couple FPS, literally. But the quality difference was huge. Vertical Sync - Lost around 5-10 FPS, but overall game was smoother. Other: Game process priority - Set it on High in task manager. No change. Gamebooster - No change, even though it closes a lot of unnecessary stuff. If anything, I lost a few FPS. Closed open background windows - Minimized steam, etc to tray. No change. Disabled my second screen - No change. Ran benchmark twice with same settings - Second time loading duration was brief, but average FPS was still the same. Clocked GPU - Raised core clock about 100mhz. No change. Running the game without anti-virus on Running a thorough defragment Putting ARMA files on the outter tracks of my harddrive Testing ARMA without PR mod. Changing mipmap detail level. Changing Power Saving Options Updating every possible driver Running diagnostics tools examine my HDD speed/health. Changing HDD mode from IDE to AHCI. Tried latest beta patches. Installed quite a few windows updates. Ran the game as admin. Tried some compability modes. Bought additional 4GB or ram. Bought an aftermarket cooler to clock CPU from 3.4 to 4.0 ghz. This is so retarded! The better my hardware gets, the game is using less and less resources.
  7. I'm having similar problems as you guys. My original thread can be seen here, it was locked though - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?131394-Bad-FPS-with-no-apparent-bottleneck To sum it up - my problems are not AI related, I've tried pretty much I can think of. Problems occur only in MP for original ARMA2 and the mod MP I'm playing, but weirdly enough not for OA:MP. Can someone confirm that these problems are present for someone with Windows 7 32 bit version?
  8. I'm playing Project Reality, a mod for Combined Operations. My problem is that the game isn't using all the possible resources available, to provide smooth, steady FPS. First I thought it had something to do with a lot of players on the same server, but I later discovered that I'm having a bad FPS even on my own local empty server. Obviously the 90 players on real servers add to the general lagginess, but that's something I can deal with. There's a huge difference whether I choose Singleplayer or Multiplayer and I play alone. With SP, the GPU usage is around 100% and CPU is pretty high up there too. My problems have nothing to do with AI, the mod doesn't use any. In mulyiplayer my GPU usage is about 30-40%, memory 50-60% and CPU 50-65%. I thought my harddrive might be to blame, but after a disfragment and putting ARMA files on the outter track of the drive for faster loading times, I noticed no significant change. It is as if my computer doesn't understand that I need more juice. Changing graphic settings doesn't dramatically change my FPS. I had to put AA and such on max to gain a little more GPU usage, but in the end the FPS stayed pretty much the same. So I started testing and opened real time graphs on my other screen while playing. Here's what I've done so far: Config File: GPU_MaxFramesAhead - Didn't notice a change, despite different tried values like 0, 1, 80, 1000. GPU_DetectedFramesAhead - Ended up setting it on 3, maybe gave me 5 FPS here and there. sceneComplexity - Tried 110k, 150k, 300k. No change. fovTop & fovLeft - Multiplied original values by 1.3. No change. shadingQuality - Had it on 10. Changed it to 0, if anything, I lost a few FPS. AToC - Tried 0 and 7. No change. Videocard Settings: Tripple Buffering - No change. Tesselaton - No change. Texture Quality - Set it on Performance. No change. MimMap Detail Level - No change. Shortcut Attributes: cpucount - No change. exthreads - No change. maxmem - No change. world - No change in FPS or loading times. In-game Settings: Video Memory - Had it on default, left it on High. 5 FPS raise. Left Column Settings - Change between everything on minumum and normal was a couple FPS, literally. But the quality difference was huge. Vertical Sync - Lost around 5-10 FPS, but overall game was smoother. Other: Game process priority - Set it on High in task manager. No change. Gamebooster - No change, even though it closes a lot of unnecessary stuff. If anything, I lost a few FPS. Closed open background windows - Minimized steam, etc to tray. No change. Disabled my second screen - No change. Ran benchmark twice with same settings - Second time loading duration was brief, but average FPS was still the same. Clocked GPU - Raised core clock about 100mhz. No change. Defragment - Used a software to physically put ARMA files on the outter part of harddrive for faster loading. No change. Power Saving Options - Set PC on gaming plan. No change. Gets pretty sour after a while, considering I'm playing on Normal settings now to win a few FPS: If anyone has any ideas what else I could try, please shout them out. My rig: AMD Phenom X4 965 (at 3.4ghz) MSI 870A-G54 (latest drivers) 4GB DDR3 1333mhz HD 6850 1GB DDR5 (latest drivers) Western Digital 500GB 7200RPM Win 7 Ultimate 64bit SP1 (no updates)