For autonomous vehicles to work they must not be the 'empty' type ... they must be the AI versions (BluFor OpFor or Independent). 'Empty' versions of all the autonomous vehicles of the same vehicle type, have the same class name as AI versions when placed with the editor.... so the question is what class name do you use to spawn an autonomous vehicle from a script... you can't just spawn an empty vehicle, and then spawn an AI moveinDriver as you can for non-autonomous vehicles as not all the autonomous vehicles have a slot for a passenger / driver / turret ... or maybe they do as you can 'take control' in game of the vehicle. If you moveinCargo the AI into a stomper he obeys ... but now he will not follow you or move to a location ordered.
Maybe I'm being a bit dumb here !
Secondly as you cant group autonomous vehicles together or to an AI or Player, you cannot get them to follow you automatically.... if BI had the 'Join' in the TYPE option of the waypoint you create then they would join your group and follow you.... so the second question is here how the hell do you get AI vehicles to automatically follow you ?
---------- Post added at 10:44 ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 ----------
LOL try this myUAV = [getPos player, 0, "B_UAV_02_F", west] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; createVehicleCrew (myUAV select 0);