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Everything posted by PeteWaddell

  1. PeteWaddell

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Yes I sure do have combined operations :cool: I just put the Config.hpp straight in there, I was not aware that I must first place a JTD folder in first. Cheers!!!
  2. PeteWaddell

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

  3. PeteWaddell

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Hey guys, I put the configuration file in Arma 2 Operation arrowhead -> userconfig .. and the @JTD folder into the main operation arrowhead folder. I have an error that the config file can not be found still, Is there any anternatives as to what is happening?
  4. Fixed. I still don't know what caused it, but this time I uninstalled and deleted SU configuration files, then reinstalled. It worx :o
  5. Since 2 days ago, I am no longer able to open my copy of SixUpdater. I click on it, the logo pops up, then: "SixUpdater GUI has stopped working" then an option to click close program. I didn't change anything, and I have over 100 mods installed sixupdater. Is there a known problem for this to happen? Anything I could check? I have no idea what it is and I am stuck with silly old vanilla.. Lol!
  6. http://i1170.photobucket.com/albums/r521/FMX_Pete/humveescene.jpg I don't know how to lower the size of my image without making is avatar size... if anyone could help me I would appreciate it :o
  7. PeteWaddell

    Clafghan Map 20x20 Beta Release

    YES!!!!!! My love for this map is beyond words, and the full thing is soon released :D Thanks Minimalacoo!
  8. Here is a sweet pic I took from a scene of a video i'm working on :) http://i1170.photobucket.com/albums/r521/FMX_Pete/rise11.png Blastcore visuals, fallujah city iraq
  9. PeteWaddell

    Fuzzy's Carpack

    Nice Vehicles!
  10. PeteWaddell

    Just want to say: Thank You BIS!

    Great post! And yeah.. Arma 3 is like an endless supply of sweets, and waiting for it is like being stuck in an underground cave with nothing to eat, LOL! I agree, the community is everything in Arma and without it, we'd be on life support. Good on you BI!
  11. PeteWaddell

    [SP] Old MacDonalds Farm adventure.

    Way to get ya kids into Arma! :D Great work man!
  12. PeteWaddell

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Hope you Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNKF9DrYfFU
  13. Thanks for the beta!!!!! This map looks awesome, been looking forward to running it !
  14. Keep up the great work bobman! That thing looks like a beauty, I am excited to use it.
  15. PeteWaddell

    Arma Memes...

    My Attempt :blush: http://i1170.photobucket.com/albums/r521/FMX_Pete/mexilaugh.png (243 kB)
  16. Great work man, this plane looks like a real beauty.
  17. PeteWaddell

    The Warthog ATV [WIP]

    Keep up the good work!! I saw these things in the Royal Marines Afghanistan Episodes. Model is looking neat.
  18. Nice work VectorX96!! These things and Hercules used to fly over my house all the time (I used to live at the end of an airforce base runway) Will be good to be able to fly one.
  19. PeteWaddell

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpF0J7RcZTc I love making missions like this. It would be great to find a Group to play with that do these kind of things on different maps with mods. And I cannot explain the delight of having Uploaded a video without previous Quality problems that I had(stutter).
  20. I would really Appreciate it if someone made an 'Anti dayz' Search feature. I enjoy playing on proper military servers that involve teamwork and coop, but I have to go on a full treasure hunt to find one amongst all the days servers. My Request is that someone makes a plugin or modification of some sort where I can search for servers and all that run Dayz can be vanished!
  21. I will definitely attend to this... A big Tactical TVT!! Sounds awesome! Just while I'm on the role.....what's /r/ArmaCampaigns ?
  22. PeteWaddell

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    What we need to do about Syria is make a map of it in Arma 2. Who's with me? ;)
  23. PeteWaddell

    [COOP] Zargmout

    Epic mission. I played it with a couple of mates, and we were pinned down in a building for ages, the whole town came down on us. Thanks for the fun!