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Everything posted by PeteWaddell

  1. Euaugh...... legend has it that there was once a day when vanilla sounds roamed the software and multiplayer servers XD Get up with the times!! :o
  2. Sportbike Cruising by the inlet! http://i1170.photobucket.com/albums/r521/FMX_Pete/moto2.jpg touching 70kmph http://i1170.photobucket.com/albums/r521/FMX_Pete/moto1-1.jpg And some night riding... http://i1170.photobucket.com/albums/r521/FMX_Pete/moto1.jpg edit: its all got to end somehow... http://i1170.photobucket.com/albums/r521/FMX_Pete/moto3.jpg
  3. PeteWaddell

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Not mine, but you must see the ross kemp in takistan by 6thairbornemedia...... i have not laughed so much in a long time!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_292687&feature=iv&src_vid=U5YfEbKOYAw&v=LOAfKjFiS7M
  4. PeteWaddell

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    I am guessing that you put the vimeo link on the video description? While its blocked for us we can't even see the description :( (It might be an idea to put all vimeo links on your channel description..?)
  5. Hi all! I am looking for some mature voice actors with a positive, non-shy attitude. You will be acting for a movie, just shoot me a Private message and I can tell you all about it. Thanks for your time.
  6. PeteWaddell

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Been working hard on this one :m: xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueHFQpfLRo4&feature=g-all-c
  7. With a walkable indoor driving room interior?
  8. PeteWaddell

    Taser Mod

    This is great as long as it doesn't kill people :) Just a friendly sting hahahaha
  9. PeteWaddell

    Tarin Kot, Oruzgan

    Awesome work mate! This is one of my Fav small maps, and the creeks are a huge improvement. Better not walk near them, the taliban have planted IED's on the main walking paths :icon_lol:
  10. This is awesome dude! Imagine the missions you could do with your friends, like driving a destroyer into sea hunting for Somali pirates in these boats with a C130 or (or an "embrayer"?) in the sky scanning for objects.
  11. PeteWaddell

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

  12. PeteWaddell

    Clafghan Map 20x20 Beta Release

    Ahh, I was running OA only (arma 2 was installing again still) But now I am running it with OA and I can see the roads. thanks.
  13. PeteWaddell

    Clafghan Map 20x20 Beta Release

    I have reinstalled CLAfghan and noticed a problem with the roads...... I cant see them. I added CLAfghan to my preset and it ads opx_objects and mb_objects. Is there any other Object packs that I should add to see the Roads? Especially through the town of lolosalam.
  14. My C drive is overflowing with things so I would now like to move the whole cache to my portable hard drive, and have the rest of arma's missions that I get ingame to go in there. How do I do this?
  15. What I actually ended up doing was talking to a bloke in Adelade who built my computer in the first place. He showed me how to click on the folder/files properties and change its location. My C drive was spilling over the top then, and he showed me that I can free so much more unallocated gb's. He ended up creating to new drives with like 500/600 GB in each lol! You rock man!
  16. aussie recon mish Fixing bushmaster discussing/chilling
  17. PeteWaddell

    Can't tell friend from foe in this game!

    Well... Your Friendlies might have group tags, If you have disabled that just flick it back on and shoot everything without a green diamond on it :D Other than that, use Army ROE and have extra caution.
  18. PeteWaddell

    How to make mines work

    With the Ace mod you get a big range of mines, some targeting more towards infantry, some more vehicles, but the AT ones are tough and need a bit more of a push to detonate.
  19. PeteWaddell

    MRAP Cougar

    Looks badass namman2 I'm really looking forward to driving this thing down an extremely hot iraqi road not having to worry about IED's n shit :D
  20. You mean I could just drag everything... EVERYTHING from my C drive, into another drive without my computer shitting itself? Sounds too good to be true hahahaha... cheers Gunso.. thanks for your help too man.
  21. PeteWaddell

    [MP TVT 6 Vs 6/A2AO]A Bank Robbery

    This looks freakin awesome man! Thanks alot, I can't wait to try this out with some friends.
  22. PeteWaddell

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    thank you very much, Gnat!