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Everything posted by Captjac

  1. Hey guys! I'm having a weird problem with arma II OA. For whatever reason when I add takistan missions from armaholic to my MPmissions files they don't appear in game when I try to create the game. When I add missions for the other maps they work just fine. The problem seemed to start after I installed the Six updater program (I don't know why it would have anything to do with this problem) before I installed Six I was able to add missions and all the missions that I added prior to installing Six are all still there but I can't add any new ones for Takistan. I'm running the steam version of Arma II/OA and I verified the cache and it didn't fix the problem. If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated! Have a great Evening! -Captjac
  2. Welcome to the Joint Task Force ( JTF ) Recruitment Thread. Joint Task Force ( JTF ), is looking for players to join our growing Ranks. We are looking for players that can let loose and have a good time. We are looking for those who can play in a team environment and can take a joke. We are also a very Competitive clan, despite what some may say. We want to start growing a good sized group to play with is us in ARMA 2: OA, though we do play as a clan in other games such as AVA, World of Tanks, and BF3. The JTF uses Teamspeak 3 as our primary Voice Communication Software. Further more the Joint Task Force hosts in-clan Tournies where members can win prizes such as the newest hot title on the market such as Modern Warfare 3 or Battlefield 3. We take care of our members. So if your interested in joining us, feel free to head over to our website at www.JTF.clannow.com and fill out a Recruitment Application or Introduce yourself on our forums. «JTF» Captjac U.S. Representative of «JTF» Joint Task Force " Deeds, Not Words "
  3. Captjac

    «JTF» Recruitment

    Joint Task Force Is now recruiting new members for our armor, infantry, and air divisions. We are looking to put together a group to do both Co-op missions and PVP missions. When we get a sizable unit in arma we will be creating a Dedicated server. *edit - PM me for our Team speak info «JTF» Captjac U.S. Representative of «JTF»