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Everything posted by Simpsoid

  1. I tried, it didn't go well :(
  2. Hi Hazey, Any chance we could get this updated to the new Alive 0.97 version? Thanks!
  3. This is great. I've had a lot of success using this loadout saver but I'm wondering if there's a way to integrate it into the Respawn menu at all in MP missions? I'm looking to use the RespawnInventory section: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawn#Respawn_Templates I'd like the saved loadouts to be available there so a player can respawn with a loadout that they have already saved. This would be good for respawning on "INSTANT" in the battle, you could pick your gear and then spawn there. I've messed around a bit but had no luck. Has anyone tried to implement this at all?
  4. Simpsoid

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Super excited for this. It looks great. Any chance that someone that's completed the download could post a .torrent of them. Just noticed the part 1 package is 1.6 gig and I don't particularly trust my HTTP connection to be stable for that long (flakey internet) or to get all the other parts. Much appreciated!