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Everything posted by short_German

  1. short_German

    Combat Medical System

    if you need somebody to help with testing im up for it i regularily play coop missions with JeffersPang we could test the system in the field to see how it performs if you want some more testers.
  2. short_German

    Combat Medical System

    i think no blood fountain is not that great maybe somthing like this -damage textures at location of injury not in random places like with vanilla and ace -small blood squirts from arterial bleeding I also think that the system should include the following to make life more interseting for the medic -internal bleeding -amputation of limbs -broken bones -injury to eyes and ears -blood types -blood plasma (at camp bastion field hospital i beleve blood plasma and blood are given in a 1 to 1 ratio this has greatly decreased the amount of deaths by fatal bloodloss) -limbs dyng off if a cat is applyed for over 1 hr without loosing or if the cat is removed after 1 hr 30 mikes the result is blood poisoning so if a cat is on to long you have to amputate at hospital -make cpr possible aldo it is not commmonly used in tactical casualty care its the medics choice at the end -defibrilator in vehicles and hospital tactical casualty care under fier - please do not put in the event handler you talked about to prevent medics from functioning under fier i can alredy see that being buggy as hell and at the end of the day its the medics choice where to stabalize a casualty - furthermore cpr should do what its desighned to do equipment i personaly use the stomp 2 by blackhawk it is probably the best first responder/medic bag i have ever used - a medical bag that you can place on thew ground next to the casualty when you start working on them and then as your working grab what you need from it until you get your bag out or you are in a medical vehicle ie casevac helo/ambulanse you use the kit the solider has on him in his blow out pouch -SAM splints for broken bones no more bandages to fix broken legs from a jump -finger puls oxymeters i use one they are great its a thing you clip on the finger and it shows you puls and oxygen level in the body. its the size of a matchbox -these http://www.combatmedicalsystems.com/MOJO-TCCC-CARD-p/44-105.htm - one of these for every solider http://www.combatmedicalsystems.com/MOJO-132-Individual-Field-Medical-Kit-p/81-132-01.htm casevac -ability to treat units in vehicles with more advanced wais and on the move -the heart reat monitor -proper use of stretchers and way of transport afecting casualty life -enemy ai should have a designated ambulance or so to bring their wounded to a makshift clinic or civilian hospital or if they are a more advanced army to their field hospital so every side has a field hospital a makshift clinic or no medical support at all and ai will bring their injured back to it maybe via helicopter and ambulance so you can potentialy call for a casevac as well to extract your units to make this system usefull for small scale coop missions so you dont need a huge crew just to operate the medical side final care at a field hospital -a functioning field hospital with operating theatre with 2 options 1 place the casualty on the tabel and a group of ai around the table will start to work on him and get him up again for those peopl whom are short staffed. 2 place the casualty on the tablke and work on him yourself risking a screwup and therefore deth of the patient respawn -if a solider gets injured he has 2 options 1 he respawns and leavs a injured AI behind ther medic can deal with and the team loses one life if they are limited 2 he waits and dyes one life is gon 3 he waits gets saved and treated at field hospital if he had amputations he will get his limbs back but no life is lost from the count (posibly in a hardcor version you may have to spend the rest of the mission in a bed at MASH with no legs) please excuse my english you may be able to tell from my name that english isnt my 1st language please bear with me I hope some of this will be usefull keep up the good work this mod will bridge the gasping medical gap in arma 2 and give the medic somthing to do rather than carry medical suplyes around like a little bitch here is a website that may belp with the making of kit http://www.combatmedicalsystems.com/
  3. short_German

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Thx ice it gives a nice touch and its great for running drugs and DEA themed ops
  4. short_German

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    hey ice the more i look around lingor the more i like it i have been trying to make a drug running mission for me and some friends and was having a look around the island with the MAULE M7 and fount that there are a lot of smaller clandestine landing strips that don't stick out to much and that are not marked on the map but they are all just about big enough to land the M7 and to take off again were these places designed for that ?? Or just empty space for life mods to place their buildings ??
  5. short_German

    Smookie Animation Pack Lite version

    i just downloaded it but only a few animatioins work for example i cant jump over walls or lean agenst them has anybody ealse got this problem ??
  6. short_German

    Smookie Animation Pack Lite version

    hey i seem to have a slight problem with the addon i just started testing it and when i play with it my caracter just stands there half in the ground with his arms spread and the gun at his front it dosent seem to work for me im not shure why has anybody ealse discoverd this problem ???
  7. short_German

    Smookie Animation Pack Lite version

    This is great it gives a lot more tactical advantages and options when engaging enemys thanks a lot for this great addon.
  8. im sorry i did not notice the anser ill take it that there will be no new helicopters added then and about the whish i will try to see if i can work on the skript maybe i could add the whinch and basket to one of your helos via a script. thanks for your anser i love the mod keep it up its great
  9. hey guys this is looking good i hope that it will be released soon I was wondering if the new island has space somewhere to place the uss nimitz for some carrier based ops and if you could add a winch to one of the helecopters maybe to a seaking for csar (recovering downed pilots) also will the unsung mod be ace compatible ?? thanks for the grate stuff you allerdy made regards short german
  10. hey guys i got to say your mod is great however i have a small problem in the editor i cant seem to find the skyrader anywhere in the editor however i do have it in some missions made by you guys standing at the airfield. could somebody pleas tell me how to get it ?? it is not in the tac air category the only aircraft i have in that category is the o1 byrddog i was also wondering if you could make a sea king with a whinch to hoist downed pilots out of the jungle and out of water a bit like the us coast guard helicopter made for arma 2 thers a link below http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?129932-US-Coast-Guard-HH-60J-Jayhawk-by-Yura-Petrov it would be a great asset for csar and carrier based operations to recover downed pilots
  11. short_German

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    about that when is the next event and where can i find this campaign ??
  12. short_German

    Combat Medical System

    that sounds great i think it would force those people to think about it whom just call in airstrikes on everything and anyone even if they have no confirmation that they are hostile! also i am sorry to say i have no scripting knowledge at all maybe if you try putting the word out there again somebody will come and help you
  13. short_German

    Combat Medical System

    so raptor this means no cms until a3 ??
  14. short_German

    Combat Medical System

    i found a guy on youtube that made some videos on casualty care under fire and a few other things like airway, bleeding, chest traumas, and fractures there is also a vid on casualty assessment it may be a good example fore some animations for,and procedures. heres a link to the guys channel. there is also a vid on triage which you mentioned before physical patient assessment here is something on triage i noticed you mentioned it in you're last post - (just a thought maybe ad a function so you can add a casualty note/toe tag that others can look at so you dont have to do the whole assessment again.) iv's doc86millitary is the name of the guys youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/doc86military/videos on a side-note you mentioned you had field hospital containers i suggest having an operating table and the possibility to get people in there and then within lets say 10 minutes a team of ai that are in there like in a vehicle that fix up the person that is on the table of-course the building should also include the possibility to be manned by players in both cases people can of-course die on the operating table depending upon severity of the trauma !!
  15. short_German

    Combat Medical System

    im guessing yes by checking for vital sines eg heartbeat ect
  16. short_German

    Combat Medical System

    i see what you mean Raptor 6 Actual i personally think that it would be best to have recommended guidelines and leave it up to the player what to do with casualties and not restricting them for example for the following reasons 1 your defending a emergency casualty collection point like a house or an LZ however you are under fire and the medic or other player in charge cant see to his patients as the location is being shot at occasionally and the event handler you mentioned before prevents treatment. 2 you have completed a mission and on the retreat to extract point a team member gets shot your team gets pinned down and you can't stabilise him during a potentially lengthy firelight what i believe is the solution is that you are only restricted on what you can do pending on equipment carried. with different treatments taking different lengths of time. i can imagine that the system could work with an invisible clock as you said before that can get slowed down and stopped pending on injury by different measures undertaken if the injury is past a certain point it can only be slowed down but not stopped unless the casualty is on the operating table in the shock trauma unit (the table could be like a vehicle slot where you can pace an injured person) for further care. it would be great to have an option to casevac and treat via ai but thats a different matter. I sincerely hope that this system will also allow accurate injuries on AI because when we play an EOD mission and an AI team mate gets injured we do everything to save them we have even casevac't enemy ai before. keep up the work on this as it is exactly what arma needs.
  17. short_German

    Combat Medical System

    great idea for example in the puma casevac helicopter, the huey casevac from the unsung mod and also in a Blackhawk casevac model there are medic seats inside the aircraft it would be amazing if you could drag a patient into the helo and if he is injured he ends up in one of the slots for casualties he can then be stabilised and treated by the medic inflight to keep him alive i can imagine a system where if an ai is in the slot he does so automatically and if a player is in the slot he takes the job should no player or ai be in the medic slot the casualty will not be treated and could die inflight unless already stabilised the same should be don with ambulances. ---------- Post added at 13:11 ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 ---------- would it not be a viable option that a PJ is treating a casualty behind cover while others are providing cover fire so that he can apply morphine via auto-injector, tourniquet and apply field dressings such as the israeli or H-bandages to stop bleeding. ???
  18. short_German

    Combat Medical System

    i dont think a separate mod from ace would be that great i think it work best in combination giving you the option with modules in the editor for medical system and casevac/mash in the simplified current ace version or a more highly advanced system because it would be a greate shame if this would turn out to be incompatible with ace especially as many people use it PS hers another website with kit that may help http://www.google.de/imgres?q=casevac+request&um=1&hl=de&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1280&bih=583&tbm=isch&tbnid=JmWHXjgWszIrHM:&imgrefurl=http://www.skedco.com/Military/extreme-medicine-publications-and-videos/xms-20-9-line&docid=3U57jcVIlcf3TM&imgurl=http://www.skedco.com/Public/Images/products_original/XMS-20-9-Line.jpg&w=1024&h=1686&ei=EcX8T5qNFIXf4QTLu62PBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=832&vpy=4&dur=730&hovh=288&hovw=175&tx=112&ty=130&sig=104096247990202942786&page=1&tbnh=129&tbnw=85&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0,i:87
  19. short_German

    Combat Medical System

    i think this idea is great and is exactly what is required to enhance gameplay i have a few ideas they may help you 1 usage of medical items such as tourniquets, quick clot, splints, stiff-neck, and iv drips possibly also blood types for transfusions at the shock trauma unit 2 different injuries i.e. with the ace system you can jump off a building and then get healed with a bandage i believe it would be better if your ability to walk would be influenced and if a splint rather than a bandage would have to be applied 3 Amputations. i think in the SLX mod it can happen that body parts get amputated it would be great to apply this in a realistic way so that if a solider steps onto a land-mine he does not die but has his legs blown off !! 4 functioning field hospital with trauma team and casevac i.e. in the event of an injury a player fills out a casevac request and calls in a helo that takes the casualty to a shock trauma Centre where he is then treated appropriately by AI this would com in handy if one plays with a very small team. also below there is a link with intel that may help you and also i believe that it would be more beneficial if every solider could stop bleedings as every solider can apply field dressings and tourniquets http://www.google.de/imgres?q=casevac+request&um=1&hl=de&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1280&bih=583&tbm=isch&tbnid=Kk8W3WCSrvnz-M:&imgrefurl=http://www.medtrng.com/special_operations_command_centr.htm&docid=wOfXSqpxEI6sUM&imgurl=http://www.medtrng.com/Image302.gif&w=565&h=266&ei=EcX8T5qNFIXf4QTLu62PBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=438&vpy=94&dur=6149&hovh=154&hovw=327&tx=125&ty=135&sig=104096247990202942786&page=1&tbnh=70&tbnw=148&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:0,i:122 http://www.skedco.com/Public/Images/products_original/XMS-20-9-Line.jpg
  20. short_German

    ACE for OA 1.13

    guys where do i post suggestions for the ace mod ???
  21. short_German

    ACE for OA 1.13

    thanks mate im on it
  22. short_German

    ACE for OA 1.13

    guys does anybody know how to do this
  23. short_German

    ACE for OA 1.13

    have a look on youtube there are a lot of tutorials on ace gameplay i think there are videos about the artillery system as wel l try this one i hope it helps