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About TarBender

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  1. TarBender

    RQ-11 Raven A

    Fantastic mod, great job Feint! I made a video of my test run if you're interested. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Fqb6nbYTWw&feature=youtu.be
  2. Nice! Can't believe how fast that got fixed... you rock columdrum! From the looks of it (mons00n's post) everything should be good to go. I'll test it out (when I'm back in town) and report back if I find any more bugs. Thanks man, I'm excited to have this properly implemented in my tiny little co-op mission. Cheers!
  3. I've been having the exact same problem. I have all my markers down and double checked the config file, and I can't seem to figure it out. Out of interest, I referred to the Sample Mission that is included with the script and experienced the same problem (the only option I changed was to increase the number of lives from 2 to 10 for testing purposes). Has anyone else had this problem where the script works perfectly on your first death, but then stops working after your second (i.e. stuck in spectator with countdown and no respawn buttons)? Thanks in advance for any help!
  4. TarBender

    EOD Mod

    I managed to get the Area IED to work by only using "this setVariable ["reezo_eod_probability", 1.0];" in the initialization; it worked every time and the IED was in the area everytime. Don't know what I was doing wrong before, but atleast it works now. And yes, I have the same problem with the loudspeaker sticking. Still a cool feature.
  5. TarBender

    EOD Mod

    I have been trying the same thing, but I cannot get it to work either. There aren't any other posts/guides out there that I can find to address the issue, so I'm hoping someone here has been successful at using the "IED Area" module. I managed to get the Ambient Suicide Bomber to work, and I'm assuming the Ambient IED works as well (didn't have the patience to drive around trying to find it), however there seems to be an issue with the 'Area' options. If anyone here has successfully used the "Area IED", I would love to hear how. Thanks in advance.