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Posts posted by MadMak

  1. [93156] Changed: increased gear MP messages priority

    Did anybody noticed, if this change has decreased time delay while taking items in DayZ gear?

    DayZ servers have a hard time. It lags like hell. But the thing I've spotted is that items sometimes stuck and can't be unloaded from backpack or can't be taken. Sometimes if you try to unload something from your backpack it will duplicate (unloaded 50 cans from my backpack to zombie body). But all these items doesn't exist. You can see 34 bean cans, but the guy next to you can't. If you will reconnect to server they disappear.

  2. does it happens on all servers?

    please try beta 1.60.92767 build (this are 1.61 betas), your problem might be related to packet issues resolved after 1.60 final release

    Yes, it happens on all servers, but it does happen randomly. I am getting kicked in a few first minutes after joining a server. If I wasn't kicked in first few minutes, I can play for the whole round without a problem. Sometime it happens many times in a row (as you can see in the server log, I was kicked few times, but after that I have played a whole round), but after n attempts to connect, I can play normally.

    Beta patch doesn't help.

    Tried clean reinstall - didn't help. The only mods I have are @pr and @dayz.

    Also, I own a Russian copy of the game (could it be the problem?)

  3. Hi,

    I have a problem. I am getting kicked from servers for wrong signatures and I don't know why.

    Game is patched to 1.60

    BE - updated.

    -checkSignatures gives no errors

    Log from the server:

    8:33:44 Player MadMak.41: Wrong signature for file E:\Bohemia Interactive\Expansion\addons\characters_e.pbo
    NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #342115094, users.card=5
    NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 342115094
    Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 342115094 (MadMak.41)
    8:33:44 Player MadMak.41 disconnected.
    8:38:11 Player MadMak.41: Wrong signature for file E:\Bohemia Interactive\Expansion\addons\dubbingradio_e.pbo
    8:38:11 Player MadMak.41 disconnected.
    8:42:13 Player MadMak.41: Wrong signature for file E:\Bohemia Interactive\Expansion\addons\l39.pbo
    8:42:14 Player MadMak.41 disconnected.

    I have i5 2500K

    Asus P8Z68-V LX

    8Gb RAM

    GTX 550Ti

    Arma installed on SSD

    Win7 x64

    Additional software that may cause problems:

    Avast AV

    ZoneAlarm firewall

    Please, help me. This is getting frustrating.
