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About GabeGuitarded

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  1. GabeGuitarded

    FHQ M4 for Arma 3 (Prerelease)

    Oh, wow, that's a shame. It's about time they consider making it possible to have proper reload anims, hopefully they see the ticket.
  2. GabeGuitarded

    FHQ M4 for Arma 3 (Prerelease)

    Could be done with a script (switch statement to check if currentWeapon is one of yours, then check ammo count, then playMove the animation). Is there an event like onReload that you could listen for? EDIT: this might do it. Some people are averse to using scripts, but it would be pretty lightweight and hard to mess up.
  3. And one completely incomprehensible maritimer voice too. I'm not even going to try to type up an example; if you live in Canada you know what I mean.
  4. "Hein, smoke that motherfuckerrr la-bas, ah?" "Wilco, Levesque. *bang bang*"
  5. The reticle of the ACO and Holosight is being drawn at a further Z than the front sight tower is what I'm trying to say. I'll take a screenshot this evening though.
  6. Yeah that's probably the only course of action without getting documentation on that property of RespawnTemplates from BIS. I'm thinking just spawn them with empty inventory except for one very peculiar item, then work it with a switch statement in onPlayerRespawn or set up an event handler for the Respawn event if I need it to work on AI's (this is what I'm doing now). Loadouts in description.ext: cfgRespawnTemplates { [indent]class WEST1 { [indent]displayName = "Assault1"; linkedItems[] = { "V_TacVest_brn" }; [/indent] }; class WEST2 { [indent]displayName = "Assault2"; linkedItems[] = { "V_tacVest_oli" };[/indent] };[/indent] }; In any unit's editor initialization: this addEventHandler ["Respawn", { null = _this execVM "onAllRespawn.sqf"; } ]; onAllRespawn.sqf is my user-created script. The name could be anything, in any subfolder. And in onAllRespawn.sqf you could do something like: private [ "_cNewUnit", "_sScriptName" ]; _cNewUnit = _this select 0; _sScriptName = "loadoutScript.sqf"; //some other user-made script to handle detailed loadout construction (i.e. with items added specifically to vest, uniform, backpack) //check if _newUnit has no items (meaning he selected a loadout from the menu, and was meant to be affected by this script if (count items _newUnit == 0) then { [indent]switch (vest _newUnit) //in this case we are using the vest to differentiate loadouts because there are a fair amount of them to choose from, but this could be anything { [indent]case "V_TacVest_brn": { [indent][_newUnit, 0] execVM _sScriptName;[/indent] }; case "V_TacVest_oli": { [indent][_newUnit, 1] execVM _sScriptName;[/indent] };[/indent] };[/indent] };
  7. No, I'm referring to the vanilla optics, specifically the non-magnifying units. Stuff with collimator reticles (projected at infinity - which might be related to the issue).
  8. Just like the title says, I'd really like a scripting command to retrieve this value from a unit. We have one for for pretty much every other field in the Vehicles class, so why not this? My reason for asking is because it would make it a lot easier to maintain unit properties after respawning, especially when it comes to calling scripts. Examples that already exist: -position -skill -rank -side class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={14366.711,19.847498,16263.894}; azimut=0.086911298; id=2; side="WEST"; vehicle="CAF_SPOTTER_AR"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; rank="SERGEANT"; skill=0.83548671; --> init="null = [this, 0] execVM ""CAFLoadouts.sqf"";"; }; };
  9. Thanks, it looks like that's what I'll have to do for now. Although what I'm aiming to do is get a different function called for each loadout class on the respawn event. The difficulty is that I want to build the loadouts from SQF script rather than typing everything in description.ext, and the loadouts need to be selectable via RespawnInventory. From the wiki's Respawn page (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawn): class CfgRespawnTemplates { // Class used in respawnTemplates entry class myTag_beacon { // Function or script executed upon death. Parameters passed into it are the same as are passed into onPlayerKilled.sqf file onPlayerKilled = "\myAddon\scripts\respawnBeacon.sqf"; // Function or script executed upon respawn. Parameters passed into it are the same as are passed into onPlayerRespawn.sqf file [b]--> like this, but it doesn't seem to work (is it no longer functional?)[/b] onPlayerRespawn = "\myAddon\scripts\respawnBeacon.sqf"; // Default respawn delay (can be overwitten by description.ext entry of the same name) respawnDelay = 20; }; class Spectator { onPlayerRespawn = "BIS_fnc_respawnSpectator"; }; };
  10. Hey guys, I've been trying for a few hours (yes, I completely exhausted my search-fu before posting) to get each respawn kit option to call a different script on respawning. This looks like the right way, but I'm not sure if the path I'm giving is wrong, or if the functionality isn't there anymore. Here's the description.ext code: #define INSTANT 2 #define BASE 3 //Respawn Type respawn = BASE; //Respawn Wait Time (s) respawnDelay = 10; //Respawn Template Scripts respawnTemplatesWest[] = { "MenuPosition", "MenuInventory" }; class CfgRespawnInventory { [indent]class WEST1 { [indent]displayName = "CF Spotter"; onPlayerRespawn = "CallCF0.sqf";[/indent] }; class WEST2 { [indent]displayName = "CF Sniper"; onPlayerRespawn = "CallCF1.sqf";[/indent] }; class WEST3 { [indent]displayName = "CF Helo Pilot"; onPlayerRespawn = "CallCF2.sqf";[/indent] };[/indent] }; And here's the folder layout: Is this actually functional, or is the wiki entry wrong? I'd like to use this setup if it is possible as it makes it easy to keep things portable/modular. If not, pointing me in the direction of the standard practice for accomplishing this would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  11. Hey guys, the collimated reticles are occluded by the front sight on the C7 and C8 using v1.7.1 (latest version on withSix). Is this glitch on my end, or if not is there a fix coming? Cheers for the hard work
  12. Looking good. Any plans to fix the barrel profile on the C8FTHB/C8A3/C8SFW? Also, variants of CANSOFCOM units with face cover would be a nice touch. Good on you for sticking with this mod for this long, by the way.
  13. GabeGuitarded

    ACE for OA 1.13

    I had slightly aggravated them by having sent a few .338's their way. But the distance I'm sure of because i was zeroed for 900 and my POI was several mils low. I might just have screwed something up with the install. It was in the armory so I don't know of that could have affected it, but it was definitely AR/BR fire. Incidentally, a sniper AI that engaged me in a later challenge seemed to have more moderate accuracy. Anyways, I'll refrain from cluttering up this thread and try to sort it out myself first.
  14. GabeGuitarded

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Sorry if this isn't the place to ask this, but I'm having a bit of an issue with AI accuracy with ACE installed. I was just running the armory and from about 1100 meters away I was getting hit roughly every 1 of 5 shots the enemy took (AK's). Is this related to ACE or is it something else?