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About Highway_Chile

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Highway_Chile

    Help a Noob Help You

    Thanks to the both of you, I've now got both the logo and the waypoints thing working now.
  2. Highway_Chile

    Help a Noob Help You

    I did it! It's not a real fluid mission, but it works. :) http://www.mediafire.com/?3n8ozos0i7oagf7 Not sure how everything really works, but at least I learned a bunch, and have something of a template to work with. I think there were a couple of complications because I used a Blufor pilot, but everything more or less does what it's supposed to after a tweek or two. I finally got the car to work after finding a trigger that I had overlooked (was sitting in front of me the whole time). It's cool, got it to appear in the starboard window at the perfect time, the first time I set it up! heh Couldn't figure out how to add the TKOH logo now that I think of it. Now, like I said at the top of the post, about this not being a very fluid mission.. I had the pilot take a SUV and drive it to a location and used the "Get Out" waypoint.. later I changed my mind and wanted to change the get out waypoint to a move waypoint, and have the pilot drive closer to the action, but creating a waypoint in the middle of waypoints that are already placed seems impossible, though I'm sure it's just something I'm overlooking. Next, I'll get busy trying to replicate the second version you've made for me. Very happy with what you've provided me with Kylania, thanks again.
  3. Highway_Chile

    Help a Noob Help You

    Excellent. Thanks again Klyania. I didn't think that the file was visible in the editor, but the post that said "It's in there", made me think that it was lol.. I looked and looked. So this is now understood. And, just to clarify.. you DID add those sound bytes, correct? What I mean is.. Did you record them using a mic and save them into the game, or did you dig them out of a collection that's hidden somewhere in the game? (I DO see them in the mission files.. but just wondering where they came from) I don't have Arma or Arma II ...yet. I'll be back when, I'm either finished or have hit another roadblock :)
  4. Highway_Chile

    Help a Noob Help You

    Looked high and low, and can't find it. ie.. this line Security Director Mitchell: Hurry up! The president's about to let us know what the hell is going on! I see the trigger and what you've done to engage the text, but I can't find the text input anywhere. The effects section of any of the triggers don't have any text entered there either. So I tried clicking EVERYTHING in the editor and still can't find it.
  5. Highway_Chile

    Help a Noob Help You

    Okay.. I'm back from the "editor's cave" .. I've hit a roadblock.. and need help I noticed I don't have a Description.ext file, and why my triggers haven't been sending any text.. How does one create that? Outside of the game in notepad or in game? (I have seen what yours looks like) The offroad vehicle that you have driving when you approach the first LZ. Is that set to start moving once it's in view? (Mine doesn't seem to move, even with the waypoints set up) The TKOH logo is cool at the start, but I have no idea where you've inserted that. And I love the "Charlie Brown's Teacher" voice sound bytes you've included in the new version hehe Thanks..
  6. Highway_Chile

    Help a Noob Help You

    Sorry Foxhound.. I went to that thread after it had been posted, and saw all of the images there as I clicked the edit button.. As I was editing some of my images and previewing it, I saw the >100 thing and thought it was something I had done.. (I think you may have edited it just as I went to edit the text in the post) ...Anyways, I reattached the links and went about my way, thinking that I had fixed everything hehe. I'm accustomed to posting in forums that shrink the image down automatically but I must also be honest and say that I didn't read these particular forum rules as I try to behave myself 99.9% of the time.. I read before posting, I don't double post, use profanity or post stuff that you wouldn't want your kid to see, and thought I'd be in the clear by posting pics regarding a relevant topic.. I see I was wrong. Sorry.. It won't happen again.
  7. Highway_Chile

    Help a Noob Help You

    I just went and opened that file up and have to say.. very cool, Kylania. Even the fact that you found a heliport not a mile away from where I was looking for one, and you included the cookies hehe.. nice touch ;) Let me tinker for a few days to try to learn from what you've given me, and if something truly puzzles me, I'll be sure to ask. Thanks a million Kylania. PS. Hono, I've got that bookmarked now thanks. And Nicholas... It looks like you were right ;) thank you.
  8. Highway_Chile

    Help a Noob Help You

    Well.. I've solved "Number 1, 2 & 3" by myself... (luck I think) Here's what I have done, incase anyone else is also as lost as I was/am. I think that I'm going to need help with the 4th and 5th triggers.. Anyone? My brain hurts from solving 1, 2 & 3 I'll show Number 2 for example. This has been done by creating a trigger, attaching it to the player, and editing the effects. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v315/JG26_EZ/TKOH/IMG_4017.jpg >100kb! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v315/JG26_EZ/TKOH/IMG_4018.jpg >100kb! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v315/JG26_EZ/TKOH/IMG_4016.jpg >100kb!
  9. Hey all I know this is a huge post, but mission building in TOH appears to be quite a complexity. I have exhausted myself searching through lists of script commands, tutorials and figured that if someone helps me build something I have running in my brain, it might soak in a little easier. And ultimately, when I figure out how to do this, I can start providing missions for the community. (I've built several hundreds of missions for the last sim I come from, but scripting is way different) I've created what I think is a very basic mission and have need to insert four different triggers in total, and can't seem to figure out how to do even one of them. I feel like a drunk in a cornfield. If ANYONE can help with ANY of the 4 scripts it would please me very much. Below these pictures is the best way for me to describe what I'm trying to sort out. Let me get started... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v315/JG26_EZ/TKOH/IMG_4015b.jpg >100kb! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v315/JG26_EZ/TKOH/IMG_4012.jpg >100kb! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v315/JG26_EZ/TKOH/IMG_4011.jpg >100kb! 1. The pilot begins in the air, heading to the LZ (for briefing). -Along the way, a message comes up on the screen as if it's someone talking to the pilot via the headset.. "Hurry up! The president's about to let us know what the hell is going on" ***Insert Text immediately. _______________________________ 2. Upon landing at the LZ, the pilot notices a large crowd of soldiers and pilots gathered around a small group of doctors, officers, and of course.. the president, about to be briefed. Recieves brief and grabs a chopper to take himself to number3. -When within a 10m radius, I'd like text to come up on the screen as if the president has begun speaking (text to appear on the screen) "Good Afternoon Gentlemen, We have a problem.. blah blah" ***Insert Text when player approaches trigger radius _______________________________ 3. Pilot arrives at 3rd waypoint and arms himself at an ammo truck and proceeds to number 4 to eliminate all enemy soldiers and ground units on the island. - I plan on entering another trigger here, but it will be the same type of trigger as number 2 ***Insert Text when player approaches trigger radius _______________________________ 4. Pilot destroys all enemy units on the island and then hops into a chopper and proceeds to number 5 after he recieves an "all clear" message. - When all enemy units have been destroyed, a message appears as if it has come over the pilot's headset (text on the screen).. "all Clear" ***Insert Text when all enemy units destroyed _______________________________ 5. Pilot returns to original LZ, exits chopper and goes back to the president and recieves a "congratulations on a job well done" message when within a 10m radius of the president. -When the pilot approaches the president, the president tells the pilot he's done a good job "well done! Here's your cookie." ***Insert Text when all units have been destroyed and player reports to trigger radius. _______________________________ I have pleanty of guesses as to how to activate each trigger, but none work and it would clutter up this post.
  10. Highway_Chile

    Take On: Hinds!

    I'm a complete noob here atm. Thought I'd get that out first of all ;) How is this going to work? Is TKOH-Hinds a paid add-on, or is it completely stand-alone? I understand alot of this community also has ARMA, which I don't have either (looks interesting, but it's quite intimidating when you go to their main site and see "A2", "A2FR", "A2CO", "A2OA", "A2RFT", "A2BAF", "A2PMC", etc.,..) I looked at two of the Arma versions above and still can't figure out if they've got 7 different games listed, or if it's a general upgrading through paid addons which has brought them to a final version. Then I have to wonder if this game ("TKOH") is about to take the same path? TKOH, TKOH:H, TKOH:?, TKOH:??, etc,., I'd just like to get a foot-hold on how this company works before I go any further.
  11. Highway_Chile

    How to take Screenshots

    Thanks for the info, and the suggestion regarding FRAPS, but I refuse to do something that the producers of this game should have done, for something as simple as taking a screenshot. .. Sometimes I wonder about the companies that put out software. How are people that have this game, supposed to show others the wonderful things they are seeing? This is a HUGE -1 for advertising imho.
  12. Hey All.. Just wondering... I've searched for a key, I've searched the game folder for a screenshot, I've hit Print Screen button but when I paste it into an art program it's just black.. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong, or how I might take a screenshot. And thanks in advance.
  13. Highway_Chile

    Landing Gear

  14. I noticed there wasn't an area in the "helicopter keys" for gear, but found it in the "aircraft key" section. I set the keys, but the gear doesn't seem to want to go up. It looks like the gear is able to be raised in the heavy heli, but I'm having no luck.. ideas? Or does everyone have this problem?