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About phantasm

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  1. phantasm

    Taking Drones out of Warlords was a bad idea.

    With them removing those, BluFor has no edge over Opfor, who maintains a tank, Jet, rocketlauncher ,body armor, and assault rifle advantage over BluFor We paid for the DLC for the rhino- with this, the BluFor Rhino is useless in warlords as they also disabled laser designators it seems(apparently rhino can't lock on to anything) So.....What other game mode can someone use the Rhino in effectivelly, in Multiplayer? Did we waste our money?
  2. I've been really lost on trying to make a SIMPLE mission- and despite coding in some languages- following that BIKI's instructinos is not dummy proof- seriously. So, looking at all the nightmares of explanations in this thread- we need a Step by step guide for a basic few things(FOR A2 and then one for Vanilla OA ,since there's differences that many may not be aware of) I only have/use Vanilla OA There's so many ways to do it- I've got one down- but it's NOT what I'm looking for. Way I managed to use cough "artillery" cough Pick a map- put a infantry person on the map. Set him as player. GO to Modules(or use F7), place one down, go to the top menu- scoll to simple support module- select it. Now, select Synchronize or use F5 to select it, then sync your char with that Module. BAM. Now start the mission- and the Module handles everything- go to your communications menu, via hitting zero, or even the spacebar- select Communication- and you can now request Arty support among others. Pros: Easiest way to get support, arty wise you just slap down your guy, a module, and bam you can call arty no scripting involved in this one cons. #1. It uses ...virtual, I'm guessing- as the arty shells come from nowhere. This is a negative because you can't use this to get a friendly AI MLRS, GRAD, Mortar, or whatever(in your group or NOT in your group) to shoot where you want arty fire to be shot at #2. It gives you more than jsut the arty option- I know a lot out there will view this as a negative.. ----------------------------------------------------- Note: The above I did in OA. ----------------------------------- Something else you can do in OA is put a player person down, put , say, a MLRS in your group(under your command)- then you can hit spacebar and see the fire on position command. USe it, and your allied unit/s in your group start shooting a few shots at whatever target- provided it's not too close. That's another way to do it ------------ Now, that's the limit of what I can do that ends up working ------------ What I want to learn how to do is this(Biki left me confused/with a ton of nonworking tricks) Using just the init fields in the editor for any scripting required- I want to be able to #1. Place a man down somewhere- lets have him be the player. He's going to call in the strike. He can be anywhere, either right next to the arty units or far away on a mountaintop using his binocs looking down on enemy tanks #2. Somewhere REALLY far away(since the MLRS/GRAD vehicles have such a stupid-long mimimum firing range), slap down a bunch of MLRS or GRADs. Hopefully, they are FILLED with AI and not empty vehicles, if possible. Hopefully, they do NOT have to be in the same group as the player(but if i want them in the same group- nothing stops me from doing so) 3#. that spotter man Being able to use ...the Commuication menu to request THOSE artillery units to fire where he wants them to. And what type of round aka illumination* (*if this is too complex, scrub it for a later tutorial) Then the actual physical artillery units get to work and start blasting away. And hopefully not runnning out of ammo too quickly in the process One final question. Am I right in guessing that (lets use the above example of a player looking down from a mountain on some tanks he wants to kill, with friendly AI artillery units somewhere Far away in his group, or not in his group) there's no way to get this to work so that if the mountainman calls for arty , and a 2nd HUMAN player is in the MLRS/GRAD as gunner - he can somehow proceed to do what the AI would have done if he wasn't in the vehicle, and see and then target where the mountain guy wanted, and then shoot the MLRS/GRAD? Because I've read this whole thread, and I'm seeing a lot of ...MP issues as well This is why in the real world, whenever you code something up, you dummy proof it. Or if you teach someone something, you make it so they'll never get truly lost for long. The Biki really could use more examples and more details in the "step b steps" it does try to give. ///////A confused Coder
  3. Thanks for the heads upOddly enough, using this adjusted script clearWeaponCargo this; this addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR",1]; this addWeaponCargo ["M110_TWS_EP1",3]; - I still can't see the weapons in the Bradley or M1 when I spawn in. I'd even been wondering if the moveincargo command i use to start my guy out in the bradley interferes. I doubt it.
  4. Since I can't take screenshots due to OA's nature- the init field is this clearWeaponCargo this; this addMagazineCargo["M110_TWS_EP1"]; this addWeaponCargo["20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR,2"]; On a M1A2 TUSK, named Armor1 I've used the command this moveInCargo IFV1; to move my player character into a Bradley nearby- but i don't think that would interfere with anything anyway, so I preview the mission, get out- walk right to the tank nearby, and hit G for gear- and I can't see the weapons that i've added. I bet this would work if i used LEA but I'm trying to not use LEA and to do it manually. I have also done this to THE Bradley that I have my Medic character start out-but i can't see any weapons in there either. For the Bradley, the init field is clearWeaponCargo this; this addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR,1"]; this addWeaponCargo ["M110_TWS_EP1,3"]; I suspect the numerical amounts of said weapons might be messing me up- but i've tried every combo, from ["M110_TWS_EP1"]; to "M110_TWS_EP1"; , etc....no luck no matter what I do. any ideas? I started this out following a ARMA 2 tut on adding weapons to vehicles to the T- didn't work. I chose to use the clearWeaponCargo field because I figured "Well, vehicles have a limited cargo space I hear, so might as well clear out anything in there ahead of time"); I hope its not hurting me- but I did try getting rid of it- no luck.
  5. Wanted to thank you for your quick reply- so all along, when I was looking at LEA< i hadn't realized that the back option didnt...exist in ARMA OA - or at least not like thatthanks for clearing that bit up I'm curious on vehicles- I tried adding weapons to the cargo of Empty vehicles- and find that with the "updated" version, I cannot- However, someone can add any weapons they want to a vehicle's cargo by scripts(using the add weapon and add magazine commands ) - So I take it I'm doing something wrong? ? Or perhaps LEA as it is does not allow for adding weapons to a vehicle's a cargo? -When I got the un updated version, it simply let me double click to add to what appeared to be the vehicle cargo area. Now nothing will move- so it appears Vanilla OA doesn't...let you move weapons? Or perhaps not in the way LEA works? From all indications, the add- commands i mentioned would do it. Gah, I feel like a idiot. Either that or I really don't fully understand LEA's capabilities despite going through the wiki details with a comb.. --------------------- ============== ============= After Extended messing around, I'm guessing that your previous answer has something to do with the issues i'm running into- as I cant get the vehicle button to un-grey.(for stock OA vehicles,empty, that I've assigned a name) In which case I missed whatever memo details what OA can;t do that the other things like ACE does. \
  6. Just signed up for firstmost tell you that this is a great tool- albeit i had extreme difficulty getting started with it though and I wanted to report a bug I just have OA- but i noticed When i first downloaded the first version of this- I could load a mission.sqm, and select a unit and put a primary weapon in his hands from a weapon menu, THEN, hit the on-back button to move it onto his back I got the most recent version(before your post today), and tried EVERYTHING- as SOON as i unchecked all the mods since i dont have any,the on-back button was greyed out- uninstalling and reinstalling then updating didnt help I really wonder why that was taken away- it's always grey I like these later versions since they work with OA backpacks ....any adviec? or am i doing it wrong xD EDIT: I will try your latest version, and report back if it fixes it ThX again- some of us. really hate scripting all the stuff in due to the implementation(I shouldn't be talking since i code a lot LOL), and you've done something arma should have made a bit...more...smooth, noob friendlly, etc- oh well ---The Phantasm