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About Vasti

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  1. Thnx =WFL= Sgt Bilko!! :) I have find the 3D post! Maybe I can find some help there? I have allready posted there. Nice to see that some other guys have try and have experience with stereoscopic 3D! Not alone here! Only byside, switching in ArmA 2 from 3D to 2D is like to view the whole game with only one eye! Try it! Also in other games like MS FSX, iRacing, GTR Evo, GTL, F1 2010 ....ec.
  2. Vasti

    NVIDIA 3D Vision

    Fenrisulven: I got also the nVidia 3D stereoskopic vision kit with Acer 120Hz 27" TFT/LED monitor. My asks for you are: - Have you play ArmA 2 or ArmA 2 OA with the 3D vision kit? - If with ArmA 2, then have you patched it with last v. 1.11 and it did work in 3D? For me not! Just in deff. version 1.00 and only patch 1.01!! It looks amazing! - What are your settings then in the graphics from the game? I have the 1920 resolution with everything max! Seany: Yes I have this "white screen " trouble too! It grooves up more and and more while gaming if I have switched 3D on! Everything is in fiev minutes -white! If I unswitched it off (strg + T) its become normal again. Maybe it helps to change it manualy in my documents/ArmA 2/ config.ini the postprocessing/HDR to off? I have to try it again! Edcase: I dont know how it is with anaglyph brill, but with the LCD shutterbrill there is a key shortcut: strg+F12 to switch the nVidia individual iron sight in real 3D so you see just one cross. There is in the nVidia settings more choice of these crosses! The problem is that we allready see the doubble cross from ArmA 2 to. So there are 3 in view! If we can it switch the ArmAone off, then it would be fine! Is there some manualy settings somewhere?
  3. After a PM corespodence with your friendly german member Myke I have found out that my 3D explanaition and your experienceand understand of it is not the same. I meant 3D as a real third dimension viev with deep so you see real through the TFT monitor. As I have mentoined in my first post, see above! I hate this modern 3D terminology settings that arent the through 3D stereo view at all. Finaly its all 2D! Such a counfusing, yes. Sorry for missmatches if missundersand it!
  4. Thnx guys for support!:) Yes I have understand the new change that implemented fillrate with the 3D view resolution. Also I saw the rasterized resolution in steps that you mentoined. But that new fusion of this change makes my patched game NOT work in 3D whatever it stops and brakes! In the 1.00 and only 1.01 version with the old fillrate funktion I can play in pur fine 3D. Also in the 1.02 version without the old fillrate funtion. But until 1.03 upstares NOT, even withthis new funktion!! If I want to patch through all released patches to have the game conform and updated I have to game without 3D view! And that would be a shame, because the game looks amazing real with it! Thats my problem! So I have to reply my question again: -How or better - can I adjust somewhere the fillrate manualy in the 1.11 version. Because in the 1.00 version the slider movement of the old fillrate option from 80% to 100% switched the fuzzy and pseudo 3D view with strange shadows into a real right and through 3D! So I in the newer 1.03 -1.11 version I got still this same fuzzy wrong 3D viev and cant solve with only the new 3D slider funtion that increase the 3D resolution. The only thing what happend is that the game looks better in 2D and the framerate goes worst. I hope i have clearly descript my problem now. Thanks (Danke) Myke! ;) I write you a PM!
  5. Thnx enyway Dwarden!:confused: If there are no solution to edit this "fillrate" value somewhere I asume I have to reinstall the game at deffault or patching max. to 1.02. - deff. game = 3D (with fillrate option!) -patch 1.01=3D (with fillrate option!) -patch 1.02=3D (without fillrate option!) -patch 1.03-1.11= no 3D! But the main menue screen with the ship is on 3D! Changing the 3D render resolution does not help, just make the frames worst! And at least: What mean this "Floating zone" value in the settings btw.? Sometimes I miss the speed and altitude window on the left side if I fly with aircrafts! How to swich it back? So with ArmA 2 OA I have to buy again a new game? Cheers!
  6. Thnx for reply Dwarden! You mean even with v.1.11 in the graphics settings you can see the "fillrate optimum" balk to adjust it? EDITED: This is a deffault game graphic setup, you see on the left second line is the mentoined "fillrate optimum" option that is as deffault seted at 80%, now 125% at self adjust to make 3D work!: http://img813.imageshack.us/img813/9853/arma2patch102setupviev.jpg' alt='arma2patch102setupviev.jpg'> Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/img] I cant see after paching to v.1.02 that I am in windowed mode, so I think its fullscreenmode! Btw. how can I switch from/to windowed to fullscreen view?
  7. Hello!:) I have just at the moment registratet my self and I am new! So I hope I have posted in the right place here! I got a original purchased DVD version of ArmA 2 ( I am a bit confused about soo many never versions!) and need some help please! I have the game for a while and was a bit frustrated that the game had some bugs and crashes at the beginning, also my old PC was a bit slow for it. Now with the new one I start to make it to work. My first and gratest problem is that I cant play the game as other games in 3D with nVidia setup and shutter brill IF I patched with all versions until 1.11 that comes out. If I install the game new without patches its playable. Why? Well in the deffault graphic setup menue in the deffault game is a funktion that allow me to set the "fillrate" from 80% -no 3D!!, to 100% +3D view!!! If I patch the game with any version to stay on "line and with all new funktions and changes" this funktion is not visibul enymore in the graphic setup. Why not? So I got NO 3D view enymore! :mad: Where can I adjust manualy this "fillrate" value? In the config file I havent see this value! The other problem is if I play with the "unpached" game, (wich only works with 3D as mentoinded!) its work fine in the beginning the mission, after a while the HDR or Lightning grove more and more automaticly and the view of the pic from the game at my 27" Acer 3D monitor start to be more bright until the game is not playable enymore, its everything -white!!!! I have to say that the ingame short key for the 3D view is as deffault left STRG+S, I have change it to STRG+3 and it does not make a different. How can I solve this " brightning" problem? Where can I deactivate this HDR view? In usual 2D I havent this problem at all! Let me say btw. that the game looks AMAZING with 3D view, especcialy with the plains and rotorcrafts. Everything is such real and nice that I cant explayn it. I would be thankfull for eny help! Chears! Pentium i5 2500K (4x3.30Ghz), Gigabyte Z68X-UD3-B3, Kingston KVR 1333Mhz 8Gbt RAM 9CL , Gainward Phantom GeForce GTX 570 1.25Gbt, nVidia driver v. 280.26 win 7 ultimate 64bit service pack 1, DirectX 11, Sound onboard.