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About fmandl

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  1. fmandl

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    h34dup good on you mate, that radio trigger my stop a lot of headaches and perhaps one can finish the game. but it is by far the best campaign I have played, even mission 11 gives me a headache and drives me batty but I shall percevier until I succede.
  2. fmandl

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    savedbygrace what zoom level did you use, I had mine set to zoom6 but it was not enough to see all targets if you put the zoom higher say 8 then everything moves to fast and it is hard to stay on target. after I got the radio call that all was clear only a few straglers present I got out of the consol --was out of ammo-- and promply got shot and that a few times no matter what I try. don't know what's wrong, also the campaign only runs if all the Addons are in the Addons folder in Combined Operation and the Lions of Kandahar Pbo in the Campaigns folder have experimented a few different ways but nothing worked exept the above mentioned way yet all say only to run the campaign with the needed addons. how to install the game correctly so it runs?? I mean that only the needed addons will be loaded.
  3. fmandl

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    @savedbygrace thanks mate for the hint, yes I did adjust my few distance and put the marker on the base of the hill in order to see if any talibs are aproching and if so I eliminated them with the 20mm gun and kept an eye on the hill as well after a while I got the radio call that the area is clear only a few remain in the area as I was out of ammo I got out of the consol and promply got shot. it happened a few times-- don't know why
  4. fmandl

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    thank's Kommiekat it all was a missunderstanding on my part, must be old age creeping up on me ( 79 years young ) but still very active my passion is playing games apart from fishing.
  5. fmandl

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    I did not mean to insult Kommiekat in any way, it was just that I'm so pissed off with my equipment ( Windows7 bunged up, ACE2 altered everything so that nothing worked ) I had to format my harddrive and installed Windows Vista Premium, at least it runs stable, and ofcourse I had to start the Campaign all over again till I reached mission11 and the fun started the same way as with W7 I keep on dying. Kommikat if you are of the opinnion, that I insulted you my appologies I never meant to do that perhaps it's the frustration of not getting on with the mission BUT I WON"T GIVE UP.
  6. fmandl

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    mate, I don't know what you mean by being a navy seal, can you please be more precise?? I have served my stint in the army but what has that got to do with it??? all I ask is for a hint of how to finish mission11 and don't need smart remarks so Kommiekat if you can contribute to my problem I'll gladly accept them but please no unnessesary remarks about a navy seal.
  7. fmandl

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    no, there are no enemies on the hill, I get them before they can get across the road from the town I also keep a sharp eye on all movements the talibs make, ofcourse I can't be everywhwere at the same time but still I keep on getting killed it is very frustrating.
  8. fmandl

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    well I don't know what goes wrong,I'm shooting only at the none strobers ( after I found out who they are ) and I'm still dying--why??????? can anyone tell me how to finish this mission ( 11 ) I'm getting a bit desperate being stuck on that for the last 3 weeks no matter what I try I'll die--- please anyone that has progressed beyound this mission give me a hint.
  9. fmandl

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    oh dear me, I have fired on my own poeple, thinking they where enemies no wonder I get killed all the time. thanks for telling me about the strobers.
  10. fmandl

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    :butbut: can anyone tell me what are Strobers???? yes I keep an aye on the hill and from time to time I shoot at the talibs coming from the town, also tried to destroy the marked target with everything I had but no luck so back to the hill again and used the 20mm gun on anything that moved near the hill. end was I died.