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About gudman

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  1. Yeah, I see that you don't get that kind of behaviour. The problem is, I have enough CPU (I7 and most of background processes closed/stopped, no freezes). And I don't think there actually is anything to conflict with, as I tested without any other mods activated. Strange stuff. To be more specific, AI's behaviour in combat feels like they are like, constantly searching for cover while in combat, with no time to actually engage the enemy. They do all that stuff - they see a smoke and begin to search, moving from cover to cover while zig-zaging, they hide, take up building positions... but as soon as they actually see the enemy, they start hiding. I don't think it has anything to do with CPU. Edit: Decided to drop a screenshot of addonfolder for your mix in my Arma2folder. And no other mod activated at all, save for CBAs. A2CO.
  2. ChrisB Just tested your mix, for about 15 minutes, works very nice. I've got a question, you mentioned mixing it also with ASR AI. So what particular parts of it should be disabled to avoid conflicts? I have only one complaint, units run around like wild insects, also detection distances leave a lot to be desired. Doesn't look that realistic, to be honest, so would it be possible to keep all the nice effects of your mix, while also maintaining slower, more "realistic" combat pace of ASR?
  3. Hey William, love your work so far. I can't even imagine what you've been struggling through to force Arma's AI obey orders. So much waypoints and scripts, holy cow. But I've noticed strange behaviour of defending units. At some point after making their way to their respective positions they seem to start ignoring it. They run pretty far away like they're scared to stay there - and that's long before single enemy unit even showed up. Especially annoying with tanks - they roll and roll forward, like they want to greet attackers personally (and of course, they die very fast). If I hop in such "confused" group, I see strange orders being issued, like attack FRIENDLY unit. And such orders are issued on and on, and on, 'till I kill squadleader (who obviously is gone bananas from all the stress). Tested with totally vanilla AI and without external scripts (autoinit-PBO ones). Is it supposed to be like that?